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What about the -A or -T? Can they change over time?
I don't know much about it because it's a relatively new aspect and I have only seen it on 16personalities. But if I had to theorize... I'd say that it does because you can learn to be more calm and less stressed oriented.
I'm 70% introverted and an extrovert friend of mine refused to believe I am even introverted in the first place lol! I'm definitely introverted and he just doesn't understand what that means, despite being a really smart guy.
People just assume that we don't like be around anyone at all. Well, I mean... I kinda don't, there's only very specific people that don't drain me. We just require more alone time. My roommate, who is also my best friend, doesn't understand it either. She always feels the need to be around me every second she can.
It is strange how that works out.

People just assume that we don't like be around anyone at all. Well, I mean... I kinda don't, there's only very specific people that don't drain me. We just require more alone time. My roommate, who is also my best friend, doesn't understand it either. She always feels the need to be around me every second she can.
People just assume that we don't like be around anyone at all. Well, I mean... I kinda don't, there's only very specific people that don't drain me. We just require more alone time. My roommate, who is also my best friend, doesn't understand it either. She always feels the need to be around me every second she can.
introverted means socializing drains you...extroverts gain energy from others.
I can be outgoing and charming or whatever but I pay a price later on.
Rest is needed later?

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