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The photos are my autism vitamin mix. Note take 5 for adult average intake...
So most days due to my diet I only need 1 and this curing headaches and muscle aches in hands and joint. I take 2-3 depending on how much stretch or exercise (bio-rhythm)
These are also yeast free, cool! Now diet goes into body so you want maybe yeast free diet or oatmeal face wash.

Some people react to probiotics not well, can be yeast type or pro-biotic but it's so hard to clear GI palette and start again. My dairy probiotic clears first, probiotics are stubborn.

Another vitamin mix I'm working on was from Russian influence even here in South Africa is vitamin B craze.
I take a vitamin B daily as well, but this gets expensive to review B-complex has full range and folic acid is something I find my body craves a lot. Darn, I'm out at moment due to cost.


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cheese is a major trigger, so is salami, possibly all packaged meats and nuts. Also grapefruit.
Sounds like one of your food triggers could be tyramine. Any aged foods (cheese, salami, fermented foods, etc) fruits and veg that is over ripe, and Any cooked food that is older than 2 days, can have enough amino acids broken down in it to have high tyramine (it increases over time as foods denature/ spoil and ripen). This is one of my triggers.... so I freeze leftovers right away, and eat a lot of frozen veges, because they are flash frozen at the farm and do not over ripen. https://headaches.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/TyramineDiet.pdf

The grapefruit could be an issue because of the citric acid, which is also commonly used to make other foods and to preserve them. It is in a lot of stuff. I have had problems with products that I was eating regularly, when they changed formulation, and started using citric acid or another type of preservative or food additive. There are different sources of citric acid, so some things may bother you while others do not. For example: I can eat tomatoes canned in Italy, but American canned ones always trigger me. The difference is the source of the citric acid.

Also, if you have a problem with MSG, there are a LOT of other things listed on food labels that are also containing hidden MSG. Here is a link to a list:
Hidden MSG Ingredients: 90 You Should Avoid

If you are getting migraines after stressful events take place, you could be having a stress- letdown migraine. It's like your nervous system holds on just long enough to get thru something, and then, CRASH!

I subscribe to this blog that has years worth of good research, and tons of articles on migraine. You might be interested:

Headache causes, news, types and treatments - find answers and fight back!

When people say magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant, what is difference other chemical/element what does it do for muscles and joints?
Sounds like one of your food triggers could be tyramine. Any aged foods (cheese, salami, fermented foods, etc) fruits and veg that is over ripe, and Any cooked food that is older than 2 days, can have enough amino acids broken down in it to have high tyramine (it increases over time as foods denature/ spoil and ripen). This is one of my triggers.... so I freeze leftovers right away, and eat a lot of frozen veges, because they are flash frozen at the farm and do not over ripen. https://headaches.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/TyramineDiet.pdf

The grapefruit could be an issue because of the citric acid, which is also commonly used to make other foods and to preserve them. It is in a lot of stuff. I have had problems with products that I was eating regularly, when they changed formulation, and started using citric acid or another type of preservative or food additive. There are different sources of citric acid, so some things may bother you while others do not. For example: I can eat tomatoes canned in Italy, but American canned ones always trigger me. The difference is the source of the citric acid.

Also, if you have a problem with MSG, there are a LOT of other things listed on food labels that are also containing hidden MSG. Here is a link to a list:
Hidden MSG Ingredients: 90 You Should Avoid

If you are getting migraines after stressful events take place, you could be having a stress- letdown migraine. It's like your nervous system holds on just long enough to get thru something, and then, CRASH!

I subscribe to this blog that has years worth of good research, and tons of articles on migraine. You might be interested:

Headache causes, news, types and treatments - find answers and fight back!
tyramine is that like histamines
I'm noticing what you saying msrcat, since we moved climate is little more tropical, so hence paw paws and mangoes grow. But now a regular grandilla in moderation, ok but the ones grown here locally are pure acid in the mouth, so bad can't even dilute with fresh orange juice!!!
I noticed cravings or feeling that body doesn't want to accept certain foods is a sense of what's good for you. Also being highly sensitive to food after a while you can almost detect via taste what ingredients are!!
lso being highly sensitive to food after a while you can almost detect via taste what ingredients are!!
Tbh all the trigger foods have something specific in their taste / smell. Probably it's some stroke of substance that are sensed by smell and/or taste. I swear they all have a specific smell and are bitter and meaty.
My box of stress relief, or should say anger management. (Don't ask why)

Eating lots veggies does give bit of gas, eating small amounts meat balances this. I hate probiotics,
The line at shop was so long, then she insisted on checking device out of box, while I'm coughing, then I'm hanging on counter swaying, then it's fine, thanks I'm feeling sick, going to go....near collapsed since my blood overloaded on 2nd detox of cloves....by time I got to the door I was almost belching....made it too car collapsed there, puked and made it home. Coffee was soothing on stomach.
Try acid diet to kill probiotics.


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tyramine is that like histamines
Tyramine is the end product of the breakdown of an amino acid called tyrosine. It can cause an increase in blood pressure, which is the reason it is believed to increase migraine attacks

Histamine is the end product of the breakdown of an amino acid called histidine. It is involved in immune reactions and can also cause a drop in blood pressure

They are found in a lot of the same foods...proteins that are aged or fermented and broken down to more free amino acids. Some of the symptoms of intolerance to either of them can be similar. Here is an article that explains it all well
Tyramine Intolerance vs. Histamine Intolerance - The Rogue Scientist
Apparently citrus fruits, including grapefruits, also contain tyramine
Interesting! I wonder if that's why only some citric acid bothers me...maybe just the kind derived from citrus. Blueberries have citric acid, but I can eat a lot of them w no probs
Salami made traditionally does have cultures, but modern methods are obviously used for safety on mass scale.
Some will argue that is not traditional. Certainly, that is true to an extent, although historically many salami makers used natural products that carried out the same function in a less exact manner. However, people have died this way. Therefore, all of my advice will include nitrates, starter cultures, and minimum salt levels as set parameters. Feel free to disagree, but botulism and listeria are all too real, and I would like to avoid getting them.
And it was one of my favourite pizza toppings, until realised it wasn't kosher.

Same with unpasteurized dairy, it's full cream however large scale dairy I would avoid drinking unpasteurized milk. Long life milk has being sterilised and isn't suitable infant feeding, except if starving. That isn't the issue, it's hormones given to cows that like most things end up in the milk. This isn't preserving anything, and shouldn't be allowed to do it.
Interesting! I wonder if that's why only some citric acid bothers me...maybe just the kind derived from citrus. Blueberries have citric acid, but I can eat a lot of them w no probs
Could explain
Grapes for wine better grown in warmer climate, that's why European wines less favoured. It's also soil mix and stuff.
My veggie patch in semi-karoo was tricky, had to provide shade as everything scorched, soil was arrid, just thorn weeds, had to water more often in summer.
It can be done, but not everything grows anywhere best results.

Grow plants in artificial light, there's these peat bricks which use less water, the results?? But basically grow food in space
Interesting! I wonder if that's why only some citric acid bothers me...maybe just the kind derived from citrus. Blueberries have citric acid, but I can eat a lot of them w no probs
propionic acid and ammonia in the context of the human body,

See thread on Candida in autism
Sometimes mold on salami is to keep bad bacteria out, humans put it there.
Nowadays curing is different, but

This is the case of fungi belonging to the genus Penicillium, which grow on cured meat products and on many kinds of cheese. Some of these fungi whose presence is beneficial for the product are nowadays used as starters, as a means to colonize homogeneously the cheese or meat piece, thus preventing the eventual colonization by undesirable fungi and bacteria. Some of the fungal species most widely used as starters are Penicillium nalgiovense and Penicillium chrysogenum for meat products, Penicillium roqueforti for Roquefort cheese, and Penicillium camemberti for Camembert cheese. Most fungi growing on food are producers of mycotoxins and antibiotic
Laich et al. (25) showed that P. nalgiovense produces penicillin on the surface of a Spanish fermented sausage (fuet); the presence of the antibiotic can be detected in the outer layers of the sausages. The presence of penicillin in food is not desirable, as it can produce allergic reactions (18, 20, 29) and might eventually lead to the development of resistance phenomena in human resident bacteria, which could then transfer that genetic information to pathogenic bacteria, as resistance gene transfer between bacteria in the human colon has been shown to be a common phenomenon (42). The development of resistance phenomena in bacteria as a consequence of the ingestion of subtherapeutic levels of antibiotics has been reported in several cases in farm animals

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