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Military Service?

IMG_20191231_201911.jpg Hi Raynor, here's a picture of a special ops team I was with during the national guard. The team was involved in the drug war in the early 90's after Desert Storm. I'm on the far riight closest to the cockpit, the guy on my immediate right is our team medic. He was great, one tiime a guy on our team fell when we were climbing a cliff in the early morning hours, and Doc got him stabilized until we could get him to the top and medevaced out. It took us several hours, but he was ok, paralyzed temporarily for a few days but he returned to missions. Please be careful, people like you who become medics etc. are the healers of the world. And the world we live in needs healers a lot more than it need fighters.
I can definitely relate to toxic family issues, I haven’t seen or spoken to anyone in my family other than my older sister since I was 16 I’m 21 now.

I join the military because, In part I figured there had to be more to life than a nine to five, I think the military will give some purpose for my life.

Hi Raynor, I joined the army since I didn't want to join the navy, air force, or marines. If you mean why did I join the military, I've been thinking about that for awhile, not too sure I have the complete answer. But it wasn't for the patriotic reasons most give like serving their country etc. I think I needed to get away from my family and the familiar setting of the house, and try to be myself or something along those lines. Like I said in an earlier post infantry was not really my choice, I wanted to be in the engineers since they get to blow things up, and build bridges and things like that. At least that's what I thought back then in my somewhat naive mind.
I did a little over 4 years with the US Navy and deployed a few times. I joined the Army after 9-11-2001 but found the navy better suited for me. OEF, GWOT and basic decorations.
As much as I support this country and our troops, I could never be built to be a soldier for any military occasion. I'm just not cut out for it. God says I'm meant for something greater. Plus, I don't know how I'd feel giving a dying message to my mother that I failed my mission and got killed in action. It just doesn't seem like something I'd have the testes for. I'm a softer kind of guy.

Still, God bless America. If anyone else wants to volunteer, that's cool, but just dont force me into it. Unless of course they start drafting, which case I'd most likely make an exception.
Six years in the CA Air National Guard, Combat Communications. It wasn't the happiest time but it wasn't the worst. Being an Aspie kind of hurt because social skills are really important in group dynamics. I made it work.

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