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Not misanthropic but suspicious. Bc people are deceitful

People are transactional. Or as one of my university professors put it, "All relationships are inherently political relationships." That the common denominator of human interaction is most often where one or both parties want something from the other. A perfectly logical conclusion.

However how they go about it may boil down to the difference between being transactional- and/or predatory. Whether a complete stranger or member of your own family.
People are transactional. Or as one of my university professors put it, "All relationships are inherently political relationships." That the common denominator of human interaction is most often where one or both parties want something from the other. A perfectly logical conclusion.

However how they go about it may boil down to the difference between being transactional- and/or predatory. Whether a complete stranger or member of your own family.
Yeah, the only people whom one can trust are one's parents i think. But even this is not true for a lot of people.
Yeah, the only people whom one can trust are one's parents i think. But even this is not true for a lot of people.
Yes, it always made me a bit sad to hear how many people out there were legitimately "at odds" with their own parents. I guess I was lucky in that respect. Especially when I reflect on the likelihood of my mother being the only human who truly and unconditionally loved me.
I believe there are people out there like this but I also believe everyone has good in them Even people like this they just may be very dark minded and antisocial and it is not wrong and they may not be the worse person out there.
so I believe every person on this earth has good in them and capacity for it
but also my past trauma can make me disbelief it when some people are very callous
and also I think sometimes I doubt it in the very greedy and self centred
but anyone who has lost contact with any good at all and everything they do comes from a callous and self-centred place is to me void of humanity and needs a big wake up call
and I pray for this world. So please everyone say a prayer that the most evil minds gain some humanity if they do not already have it.
that is why we need more hearts to turn towards faith in God and people to feel welcome however that is not in my hands and I would never and could never force a person to feel a way they do not.
that is God’s work
Honestly yes, I am a misanthrope.

People really disappointed me.

It's not that they are all evil, but most of them simply suck.

1) Many people are simply boring - I know it's not nice thing to say, but really. An example: in my small town where I live are people who seem to be obsessed with partying, alcohol (especially wine). So you randomly meet a friend in the streets and he's like: "There is a wine festival next week. Are you going? Can't wait to get drunk!" and that's it - it's some sort of alcohol culture. They do the alcohol jokes. ("I said just a sip and now I drunk the whole bottle!") or they talk about food ("I know this great restaurant where they make the best steaks!") or partying in general ("I have a birthday party this Sunday!") Most of the people feel like someone copypasted them - they are all the same, saying the same things, doing the same activities all day.

2) Many people want shallow relationships - it's kinda connected to the previous point. Many people don't care about you, never call you, ghost you, or when they call you, it's because they need something, like fixing their broken computer or something - but in general, you're dead to them. But hey, they think we're good friends just because we drank at the party or because they liked my funny meme on Facebook. They don't want meaningful relationships, just people they can party with from time to time. I have many friends who keep invite me to their birthday or Christmas parties, but never want to spend some time only with me alone - when you try to ask them if we can hang-out and go to cinema and such, they are suddenly many excuses and such... That leads to point 3)

3) People behave very different in a group and when you're alone. If you are with a friend alone - he's rather normal. Let's say he says an opinion and you disagree so you say you disagree and then you can discuss it normally. But when you're group and you disagree with something someone said, people start laughing, make fun of you and suddenly you can feel the hivemind mentality and peer-pressure. That's why many people prefer to spend time in a bigger group rather then with someone alone, because they feel stronger and more validated.

4) Many people also wants to you be in certain way and if you are different from this picture in their heads, it really bothers them. Example - it's expected from you to be social. So let's say a friend of yours has a wedding and he invites you. You hate social events, so you refuse and that's it. And then people are angry with you, telling you you're an assh*le and "you really should go to the wedding!" and simply it bothers them you don't do whey they expect you to do.

And what happens if you actually decided to play their game and do what they want you do to? What if you say yes and go to the wedding? What you get as a reward from a society for sacrificing for them? Nothing! People only realise they can tell you how you should live and you follow their orders, so they only recognise the weakness in you and start wanting more from you.

And I could keep on and on and on. Getting older, I am more and more surprised how bad our society is.
I’m a misanthrope. Sure, humans suck. I could go on for days. But that’s not why I don’t like them. I don’t like them because they don’t like me. If they were to suddenly start treating me as though I were one of them, all my complaints about them would vaporize and I would fall into their warm embrace. Human society is that cluster of sour grapes just beyond my grasp.

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