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More "autistic" when tired?

I have noticed that I have more "autism syntoms" when I am tired / low energy / without many spoons left.

I can see a situation from a flexible and understanding point of view in the morning when I am fresh. I can be tolerant with a lie and understand it was not a serious lie. I can understand that what somebody said about me was not said with the intention to hurt. I can move in the greys.

When its night andI have had a difficult day (social/new stuff, burocracy...) I seem to be another person. I no longer understand in a flexible way. Intead of being upset I go angry. I see intentions of hurting me on others... It seems I turn into black and white thinking and feeling mode. The light feels bad in my eyes, so I go to the shadows. The sounds stress me and I seek for silence.

Can you relate? I guess that It makes sense, but I would like to know your experiences.
Same. I've kinda learned that everyone is sort of an angrier version of themselves when tired, sick or sore etc. When we're not we're all happier... I tend to be pretty dramatic and sometimes pessimistic when I'm feeling unwell >.< But otherwise I'm good.
In that last paragraph you wrote though... I feel like everyone in the universe can relate to that feeling. We all need time off sometimes. My way is taking a break from media by reading, drawing or taking a mini nap.
Thank you for taking the time to explain how you experience it deeply. It seems somewhat similar and different for everyone of us. And as you said, NTs do also work worse when tired.

I also know many people who need some time after they wake up to have their brain working properly. And they may work better at night, as @Dom529 said.
I've been told I'm a morning person, and tend to be happiest in morning and also happy at night :3
I relate very much to @Bolletje ’s post.
I don’t get enough sleep either most of the time and I will do things like that. Going into a room to do something and then just standing around and eventually having a breakdown.
When I’m really exhausted and having difficulty functioning I sometimes just wander aimlessly around my house.

Yesterday I almost went outside with no pants, in day-old makeup, because I was running on three hours of sleep and didn’t even realize what I was wearing.

When I’m sleep deprived, I go from very productive and focused, to completely nonfunctional and in a total brain fog. I’ve been having a particularly difficult time with sleep deprivation lately.

I also have unhinged, out of control emotions when I’m tired.

I’m glad this thread is helping you @Atrapa Almas . You are definitely not the only one who experiences impairment in functioning and social skills when you are exhausted.
Aww.... Y'see, I know exactly how you are feeling , : D I've experienced a bit of that lately too, and my family has as well due to changing weather, etc. More likely to feel more sluggish.
Oh yes. I definitely feel it happen when I begin to feel Aloe's magick :p

She sure does love making me hear ocean waves when I need to be awake lol
Aww that sounds really cool, kinda similar to how I think of things I like and it's calms me down, or I immerse myself in something c:
I can definitely relate to that. I really like the way you explained that, @Atrapa Almas. These days it seems I start to unravel just a few hours into the day. If I can catch a 30 minute nap after work, I can usually reset mid-day and soldier on into nighttime.

If I wake up searching for spoons, I’m in trouble.
I love how you say that, because I'm in the same boat even as a young person :3
Aww that sounds really cool, kinda similar to how I think of things I like and it's calms me down, or I immerse myself in something c:
Yea. Aloe's my lil buddy :P

More accurately speaking, she's my familiar. (Yes familiar are real lol) But she's everyone's friend :)
I have noticed that I have more "autism syntoms" when I am tired / low energy / without many spoons left.
100%. Masking is difficult - it takes a lot of mental energy and effort. When I'm tired, masking is harder and things start to slip.

I think that we do a lot of masking without realizing it's masking - like dedicating the mental energy to consciously following social rules.

I need a warning label: When energy is low, conformity is not guaranteed.
I think that we do a lot of masking without realizing it's masking - like dedicating the mental energy to consciously following social rules.
That's masking? I told my therpist not long ago that I know very well how I should be behaving in different situations and what I should say, but say things that can be considered insensitive or blunt on an impulse or when I chill out and feel like I can trust someone and "be myself".

p.s. But I don't try on purpose to not behave like that, I'm tense in unknown situations and it makes me more cautious, less willing to share what I'm thinking and more likely to treat these interactions like a performance or a game.
For me it’s basically that life is a lot to handle. Every day is like standing outside during a light rain. Eventually I get more and more wet, cold, and just miserable. Once I hit my breaking point, the party is just over and I’m just done. And the more it’s raining, the faster I get soaked and give up for the day.
That's masking? I told my therpist not long ago that I know very well how I should be behaving in different situations and what I should say, but say things that can be considered insensitive or blunt on an impulse or when I chill out and feel like I can trust someone and "be myself".

p.s. But I don't try on purpose to not behave like that, I'm tense in unknown situations and it makes me more cautious, less willing to share what I'm thinking and more likely to treat these interactions like a performance or a game.
I don't know if I can give a formal definition of masking, but to me masking is anything that I have to consciously do to fit in, be accepted, etc. If I can make it second nature, then it's no longer masking.

Non-Masking Example: When someone gave me something, I used to just take it and walk away. I had to start remembering to say thank you and show appreciation. For a while, that was masking. Now, I think I do it naturally enough to say that most common courtesies aren't masking for me anymore.

Masking Example: When I'm speaking to someone, I still have to remember to make eye contact, but not too much (and oh no, did I make too much eye contact? Because no eye contact apparently means you're a shifty liar, but too much eye contact means you're challenging them or being creepy and oh, dear lord, where's the happy medium???). So, yeah, eye contact is still masking for me.

Another Masking Example: When in conversation, trying to filter out all my thoughts to those that are actually relevant to the conversation, then making sure they're polite, considerate, and useful, and - heaven forbid - not too much information, and making sure I'm not speaking too long about a subject.

All those conscious efforts to fit in become harder when I'm tired.
That's masking? I told my therpist not long ago that I know very well how I should be behaving in different situations and what I should say, but say things that can be considered insensitive or blunt on an impulse or when I chill out and feel like I can trust someone and "be myself".

p.s. But I don't try on purpose to not behave like that, I'm tense in unknown situations and it makes me more cautious, less willing to share what I'm thinking and more likely to treat these interactions like a performance or a game.
Yo same.... A few minutes ago I felt scared like I was the weird one out and I just wanna stay in my room and not be seen when there's someone here I don't know lol
I don't know if I can give a formal definition of masking, but to me masking is anything that I have to consciously do to fit in, be accepted, etc. If I can make it second nature, then it's no longer masking.

Non-Masking Example: When someone gave me something, I used to just take it and walk away. I had to start remembering to say thank you and show appreciation. For a while, that was masking. Now, I think I do it naturally enough to say that most common courtesies aren't masking for me anymore.

Masking Example: When I'm speaking to someone, I still have to remember to make eye contact, but not too much (and oh no, did I make too much eye contact? Because no eye contact apparently means you're a shifty liar, but too much eye contact means you're challenging them or being creepy and oh, dear lord, where's the happy medium???). So, yeah, eye contact is still masking for me.

Another Masking Example: When in conversation, trying to filter out all my thoughts to those that are actually relevant to the conversation, then making sure they're polite, considerate, and useful, and - heaven forbid - not too much information, and making sure I'm not speaking too long about a subject.

All those conscious efforts to fit in become harder when I'm tired.
Non-Masking Example: I say thank you quite naturally now as well, and I actually mean it ^^
Masking Example: I actually don't make much eye contact nowadays, even to my Grandma. Idk why I just can't bring myself to do it anymore. It actually feels weird when I do sometimes. I only feel really comfy doing it with Dad, Mum or a friend whom I know is on the spectrum. The other two people are people that I'm still trying to figure out, honestly. Whether they're on the spectrum or not, because they love rules but they are sensitive. I constantly wonder while I'm around them, "Are they different or they just love following rules?" Another Masking Example: Me too because whenever I start talking about something interesting or different, my family says they don't have time and doesn't listen, or interrupts and ignores. It's not a surprise because of the age gap, but jeez :/. I can't change that though.
I have noticed that I have more "autism syntoms" when I am tired / low energy / without many spoons left.

I can see a situation from a flexible and understanding point of view in the morning when I am fresh. I can be tolerant with a lie and understand it was not a serious lie. I can understand that what somebody said about me was not said with the intention to hurt. I can move in the greys.

When its night andI have had a difficult day (social/new stuff, burocracy...) I seem to be another person. I no longer understand in a flexible way. Intead of being upset I go angry. I see intentions of hurting me on others... It seems I turn into black and white thinking and feeling mode. The light feels bad in my eyes, so I go to the shadows. The sounds stress me and I seek for silence.

Can you relate? I guess that It makes sense, but I would like to know your experiences.
Yes, I absolutely relate, however, I don't think I become more autistic, just less maskable.

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