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More therapy?

So we’ve gotten another diagnosis and this psychiatrist has ruled out autism. My child is now on the right track with the proper meds and therapy and doing better.

Thank you to those of you that provided kind helpful words.
Couldn't have said it better myself.

OP... Stop expecting your child to be normal, they are not and never will be. It will take you far. I also hate it when people say "my autistic child" and so on putting the label in front of the the fact that it's a human being that is the subject.

If you can't take it move out, or accept reality that it is what it is. You'll have to wait patiently for him or her to figure out things on their own and gently guide them along the way. Not treat them with the negativity your post is just writhing with.

Also ABA is known by many as a form of torture as its basically the same methods you use to train a dog so maybe he's/she's acting out because of that trauma they put them through.

Unfortunately it is not autism and they were acting out because of another diagnosis. I do not wish to say because I feel so terrible we didn’t pick this up. My child is on the right meds now and doing better. The outbursts have completely stopped.

My child has been gently guided from day one. The whole give to relatives is so dumb because those relatives threatened to “beat it out of em”. NO. That is not the way. Anyway, be well.

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