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Most humans are garbage.

TBH I find that a touch condescending and borderline rude. I am not guilty of child abuse. This is a serious issue that can't be wished away with a "follow your dreams" cliche.

Here's the reality. If they follow their professional dream to be, say, a teacher, they can say goodbye to any dream of having a family, it just won't be affordable. They can say goodbye to the dream of having any form of housing stability; as at best they will be shoved from one substandard crap-hole to the next every couple of years, at worst they have a massively increased chance of homelessness. They can say goodbye to job security. They can say goodbye to having anything resembling a pension to retire on. They can say goodbye to being able to afford any sort of therapies to help with their autism. Or holidays. Or disposable income to go enjoy some nice things together with any partner they might have.

How can I, in good conscience, watch my kids walk oblivious into that? With the massively increased chance of mental illness or worse? A few people have an absolute passion for a subject, and I guess if that's the case we have to cross that bridge when we come to it, because I can't imagine them entertaining other ideas. But for most, a job is only part of a broader set of hopes and dreams. And the fact is that in Australia unless you're VERY lucky or cut-throat, jobs that require a decent bit of study are not valued. Hell, they'll just import people with those skills instead.

So yeah, all else being equal, I'll be suggesting that they are more likely to be able to achieve their life goals and dreams by not pursuing academic success. Sure, love learning as a hobby, but the government here has made clear that you are NOT as valued if you do so for a career. As a parent I have to set aside my biases (one of which is for learning) and try to help them have a happy, content and safe life. Which would I prefer: a depressed, frustrated PhD who has just been kicked out her 5th rental; or a not super smart but cheerful daughter working as an electrician, planning her future family in their new apartment?
What a parent prefers isn't relevant. You have painted a fantasy using the colors of your own anxiety and anger.

Under no circumstances will having a PhD be a disadvantage. Some people who have that PhD will go on to make exciting careers out of it. Some will not. Some may even have to settle for being an electrician. I worked for years as a security guard and then a burglar alarm installer and a raft of other low-paying and very odd jobs before landing a slot in aerospace. That's how life works.

At least here in Southern California, even getting into a trade requires a degree. My son-in-law had a heck of a time getting past entry-level because everyone wanted a degree in construction science or whatever.

If your daughter wants to be an electrician, fine. But it does not sound like that's what she wants. Do not let your fear limit her opportunities. When it comes time for college, only she is qualified to decide what she wants to do with her life. I would just encourage her to have a plan B to keep body and soul together until either she achieves her dream or decides on something different.
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I like when people rescue any being whether a spider or a mammal
Now it is seriously time for me to avoid the news with a major event coming up in my country in roughly two weeks from now and everybody up in arms and acting like intellectually disabled violent thugs on social media.

Time for another serious detox.
Now it is seriously time for me to avoid the news with a major event coming up in my country in roughly two weeks from now and everybody up in arms and acting like intellectually disabled violent thugs on social media.

Time for another serious detox.

Yeah I'm probably going to do one as well.

The family gets a bit too revved up about all that I shan't name here, tests my patience a bit much. I'll be hearing about it enough as it is, dont need all the dumb that'll be spraying from the Net or TV or any of that to go with it.

Though really, not a bad idea to just drop the gizmos for a bit anyway for the heck of it. Dont know about you but I've been on a bit too much recently.
Yeah I'm probably going to do one as well.

The family gets a bit too revved up about all that I shan't name here, tests my patience a bit much. I'll be hearing about it enough as it is, dont need all the dumb that'll be spraying from the Net or TV or any of that to go with it.

Though really, not a bad idea to just drop the gizmos for a bit anyway for the heck of it. Dont know about you but I've been on a bit too much recently.
I put my vote in. I have no further need to deal with this event. People get stupid online and I find I can be one of those stupid people myself if I am not vigilant.
Sociopaths always talk the loudest. Sociopaths always drown out all reason. I have seen the kind of people my country’s public schools have been producing. They allow bullies to go on with their bullying without any consequences. It has created the climate today where half the country is made of genuine sociopaths.
It has created the climate today where half the country is made of genuine sociopaths.

This is just my perception, but I'd actually argue against this a bit despite my usual mood.

As you said, the negative ones are the most vocal. But it also creates a troublesome illusion that EVERYONE in X group is just as bad. Despite the others not even being part of the interaction. Not even being NEAR it. In many cases, not even being aware of it.

Think of it this way: there's a common idea that gamers in general are all foul-mouthed brats, mean all the time to everyone. Trolls and jerks and bullies, all of them. But you and I both know that's not true. It can SEEM true because of just how bloody loud the mean ones are, but no, most of the gaming community is not bad at all. The negative ones create the illusion, and the positive ones reinforce it by not being present during the screaming. After all, they dont want to be there for all that nonsense. Not when they can go just play and enjoy the games instead, yeah?

All this is compounded by things like social media, or Youtube, and of course some places IRL do it too, drawing the loud angry bullies towards it like moths to a flame. That's how I always think of it. With gaming, competitive games are the flame, since dominance is the prime focus. Avoid those and you'll meet tons of friendly people who were always there. Not that you wont still get the occasional bad egg. But still.

I understand the desire to socialize online, and the things that make social media so appealing for that, but if you want those things, that aint the place to do it. Similarly, TV can be just as bad, just in a different way, yet eventually creating the same effect at the end. And DEFINITELY Youtube. Where the comments sections burn bright and reinforce problematic videos.

Seriously: Step away. I know I've said it before, but I want to reiterate it. And I dont mean just because of the upcoming event. I mean just because it's a healthy thing to do. You've been too close to that flame for too long, moths in your face. Walk away for awhile, dont even so much as glance at the gizmos for like 3 weeks, and when you're done recharging, dont go back to the flame. Even though you might want to, even though you might think "well I'll engage with it safer this time". Just dont do it. There's so many better places to go and people to mingle with. And while you're at it, tell Youtube to shut the heck up if it's throwing negativity at you. It has those curation functions for a reason.

I intend on doing it too, stepping away, be darned silly to give advice that I myself then ignore. I absolutely need a break. I start this upcoming weekend.

Sorry if I sound naggy here, just trying to help a bit if I can. Also this has been on my mind recently after some discussions with someone far wiser than I am.
As you said, the negative ones are the most vocal. But it also creates a troublesome illusion that EVERYONE in X group is just as bad. Despite the others not even being part of the interaction. Not even being NEAR it. In many cases, not even being aware of it.
I love YouTube. I pick content creators who present the facts or opinions without a lot of sturm und drang. If there's any emotional content at all (other than maybe some dry humor), I am not interested in it. I like to listen to well-thought-out opinions even if I disagree with them. Some of the best vids are quite long.

Since one doesn't need to watch anything they don't want to watch, I don't understand why anyone would watch something that upsets them. Just hit pause or select a different video.

If you watch a YouTube video for the information therein, there is no need to read the comments. OTOH, if you want an argument with a troll, skip right to the comments. There's no need to understand the topic.
Since one doesn't need to watch anything they don't want to watch, I don't understand why anyone would watch something that upsets them. Just hit pause or select a different video.
Or change the channel...
Or don't read the post...
This is just my perception, but I'd actually argue against this a bit despite my usual mood.

As you said, the negative ones are the most vocal. But it also creates a troublesome illusion that EVERYONE in X group is just as bad. Despite the others not even being part of the interaction. Not even being NEAR it. In many cases, not even being aware of it.

Think of it this way: there's a common idea that gamers in general are all foul-mouthed brats, mean all the time to everyone. Trolls and jerks and bullies, all of them. But you and I both know that's not true. It can SEEM true because of just how bloody loud the mean ones are, but no, most of the gaming community is not bad at all. The negative ones create the illusion, and the positive ones reinforce it by not being present during the screaming. After all, they dont want to be there for all that nonsense. Not when they can go just play and enjoy the games instead, yeah?

All this is compounded by things like social media, or Youtube, and of course some places IRL do it too, drawing the loud angry bullies towards it like moths to a flame. That's how I always think of it. With gaming, competitive games are the flame, since dominance is the prime focus. Avoid those and you'll meet tons of friendly people who were always there. Not that you wont still get the occasional bad egg. But still.

I understand the desire to socialize online, and the things that make social media so appealing for that, but if you want those things, that aint the place to do it. Similarly, TV can be just as bad, just in a different way, yet eventually creating the same effect at the end. And DEFINITELY Youtube. Where the comments sections burn bright and reinforce problematic videos.

Seriously: Step away. I know I've said it before, but I want to reiterate it. And I dont mean just because of the upcoming event. I mean just because it's a healthy thing to do. You've been too close to that flame for too long, moths in your face. Walk away for awhile, dont even so much as glance at the gizmos for like 3 weeks, and when you're done recharging, dont go back to the flame. Even though you might want to, even though you might think "well I'll engage with it safer this time". Just dont do it. There's so many better places to go and people to mingle with. And while you're at it, tell Youtube to shut the heck up if it's throwing negativity at you. It has those curation functions for a reason.

I intend on doing it too, stepping away, be darned silly to give advice that I myself then ignore. I absolutely need a break. I start this upcoming weekend.

Sorry if I sound naggy here, just trying to help a bit if I can. Also this has been on my mind recently after some discussions with someone far wiser than I am.
You are correct, of course.

Facebook is more addictive than alcohol to me, another chain for me to break.

YouTube is less of a problem for me since I never read the comments on the Xbox app - I use it to browse music videos and I also do some of the beginners' exercise routine videos on there as well.
Most humans are garbage. It is now officially confirmed that most humans are garbage. I give up on humanity. I give up on myself. I will spend the rest of my life extracting meager pleasures out of my bread and circus existence until I am eventually killed off.
Have you considered that we are the comet?
That is really interesting. But have you noticed that too many people ignore what is right above their heads?

This summer my husband and I seemed to be the only people in our enighborhood looking at the aurora. We live in south east Kansas and we coulld see the aurora somenights. My neighbors even came outside and asked what we were looking at, then without looking, went back inside.
All that junk food is bad for you. Fast food usually has high amounts of salt, fat and sugar, plus preservatives that can cause cancer. But it is not like most people are gonna pick a healthy salad bar over the likes of Burger King, for fear of being laughed at. LOL.
How can anyone do that without the fear of nukes, climate change, and plagues wiping us out. All our efforts, gone.
Nukes and climate change and plagues are beyond your control. You should not fear or worry about things beyond your control and that may or may not happen. They are irrelevant to getting on with life. Que sera sera.

It is said that some students came to visit the French philosopher Voltaire as he was working in his garden. One of the students asked Voltaire what he would do if he knew the world would end tomorrow. He answered that he would like to work in his garden. Smart dude.

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