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Most jobs now require social and emotional intelligence

I tried to apply for SSDI.

The denial rate of the government is legendary when it comes to entitlements. Whether you're legally eligible or not.

It's why you never want to attempt to secure such an entitlement without an attorney who specializes in Social Security benefits.
I tried to apply for SSDI. They told me even though my autism made it nearly impossible to get a job, the fact that I did have a job for 12 years meant that I was capable of working, therefore ineligible for support. They did put me on a job find/support/training program, but absolutely nothing happened (no interviews, no contacts, no recommendations or suggestions) for six months and I quit.

I once met a blind lady who was a receptionist. If she lost her job, would she be refused support because she had been working. I also know a couple paraplegics? If they lost their jobs, would they be refused support because they had been working? I suspect in both situations, they would go back on SSDI without a problem.
Because of my unique phobia (which now I say all the words now except the big one and only that one bothers me if frequently used) which the judge believed and the fact that I only had one job for 3 months I actually got it.
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