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Movies that don't need a Reboot

12 Rules Anyone Considering Making A Reboot Should Follow (Part 2)




With the plethora of books out there, why can't Hollywood formulate some fresh screenplays?
Yes, I think this also. I've just read Clive barkers Weaveworld, I think it would make a great film. Like Alice in wonderland with a bit of action in. I mean they made Hellbound Heart (hellraiser) and Cabal (nightbreeders)
Neither as good as Weaveworld, because they were cheesy.
As much as I love all things comic movies, can we please not have anymore Spider-Man remakes with Peter Parker in it? I'd rather see the Ultimate Spider Man with Miles Morales and the zapping Spider-Man or have it start when Peter Parker dies in the beginning and Miles starts off as the new one.
As much as I love all things comic movies, can we please not have anymore Spider-Man remakes with Peter Parker in it? I'd rather see the Ultimate Spider Man with Miles Morales and the zapping Spider-Man or have it start when Peter Parker dies in the beginning and Miles starts off as the new one.

Like this, you mean?
Can they stop the Fast and Furious franchise after number 8? Dwayne Johnson can't act IMO, the only good recent movie he was in was Baywatch, and he's been in them all since FAF 5.

Also, Randy Orton can't act either, so no more "12 Rounds" movies please, and The Miz can't act either, so no more "Marine" movies either please.

And finally, can Hollywood NOT remake any of the late great Bruce Lee's classic movies from the early 70's, Enter the Dragon in particular was a timeless classic and any remake would be rubbish compared to the original IMHO.
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Maybe I should bring up the American remake of the great slice of French nihilism known as Inside..... or maybe I should pretend that remake does not exist. Hmm.
Kind Hearts and Coronets. No-one, but no-one, could play all nine members of the d'Ascoigne family like Alec Guinness. Nor could anyone do a murderer as deadpan as Dennis Price.
Agreed on Back to the Future.

Additionally, a film that I hope never gets remade is Jaws.
I don't care if the shark looks fake, I like this one.
By rights the Carry On franchise should not be rebooted, as there are only two surviving members of the lineup (Jim Dale and Barbara Windsor) and one of them has Alzheimer's. That said, the Guardian did run a piece in the noughties about Carry On ideas they would like to see (would have liked to have seen): Carry on regardless

And I must confess I once had an idea for a Carry On film - about chess. There's plenty of potential for double entendres - just check (!) out this sample dialogue I've thrown together:

"There's the Russian champion Boris Getemoff - he taught me everything I know about mating patterns."

"The Bulgarian champion Ivona Legova is famed all over Europe for her two powerful gambits."
"Oh, is that what you call them?"

"Ooh, I say! I've got my pawn to the end of the board, so now I can have a new queen!"
"Yes, you like surrounding yourself with little queens, don't you?!"
I don't think To Kill A Mockingbird should ever be remade. I first watched it in school after we read the book in class and the characters are almost just like how they are in the book. Harper Lee, the author, even said that Gregory Peck was just like Atticus Finch, if I remember right. Anyhow, they did such a good job the first time that they don't need to do it again.
I don't think To Kill A Mockingbird should ever be remade. I first watched it in school after we read the book in class and the characters are almost just like how they are in the book. Harper Lee, the author, even said that Gregory Peck was just like Atticus Finch, if I remember right. Anyhow, they did such a good job the first time that they don't need to do it again.

Trust me, just because the first one was good doesn't mean that Hollywood at some point won't have a crack at it again.
My Fair Lady, Audrey Hepburn and Rex Harrison of the original are both dead, and nobody else could do the roles of Eliza Doolittle and Professor Higgins justice IMO.

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