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Multiple ratings for posts...impossible?

A "Dislike" or "I disagree" rating tends to create a negative atmosphere.

Agree that I would not want to put "dislike". Re "disagree" I will just put why, but don't feel disagreement necessarily has to be a negative thing- this is more reflective of our political climate right now than reality I feel. I hope there is tolerance for a variety of viewpoints in this forum.
I didn't know there was a "Hey Mickey" to quote.
Toni Basil Lyrics - Mickey

Well, until now, that is.

Early 80's, probably before your time :)

I used to post on a local forum, till I got banned for life for arguing with idiots a few years back, and to date they still want a "like" button for posts! Won't happen, A) it's a forum, not Facebook and B) It would get abused, by the same idiots who got me banned for life, ie trolls.

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