Nice to see the Dire Straits being mentioned. Gives me a nice segue to post here. It's one of those bands I picked up on when I was 7 or so, probably through my older brother, who'd used to DJ. Maybe he still does. Anyway. I remember dancing to Walk of Life and Money For Nothing in front of the mirror.
Music was always around. My mother was a trained flutist and pianist, sang in several (church) choirs and used to work as a music teacher, although I've only known her to give private lessons. She never thought me, that's a bit of a regret. I wonder why sometimes, but I guess there were already too many problems. Every time we'd visit a city they'd drag me along into sheet music stores, which was a little boring at times, I have to admit. Anyway, early years were full of classical music and French stuff, like Michel Berger, Laurent Voulzy, France Gall. She was a huge France Gall fan. And that one Randy Newman cd that would be played on loop over and over again whenever the black dog of depression was in town. My own favorite around that time was the Pachelbel Canon. And Eine Kleine Nachtmusik. I can't stand that last one now.
I guess I also picked up on much of the 80s stuff through my siblings. The regular chart stuff, some acid house too. Then came the 90s, when I'd started picking my own stuff. My first big crush must've been Björk. Then there was that Beatles Anthology stuff. That really set things of. Then local band dEUS, became a huge Oasis fan, still am. It's probably not very
bon ton in musical circles, but I guess I like the simplicity. Not everything has to be virtuoso. I found comfort in it, I suppose. Then Radiohead and the regular bands of that time. Smashing Pumpkins, Rage Against The Machine (lost a shoe at one of their concerts, then missed the last train back home, great night seeing bums being thrown out of the station. Literally. Beck, Nirvana, basic
alternative rock stuff I suppose. There'd be sidesteps too. There always have been. Then came the Velvet Underground. Goddamn, that was kick to the groin, in a good way. I cried when Lou Reed died, something I rarely do on such occasions. Spend the weekends hanging around bars, discussing the music that was playing with my friend. Tati's Jazz Club was great, and then it closed. Guess he didn't keep tabs too well on what we were drinking. Every weekend I'd be in the local music store too, sifting through stuff, listening on the sets they had. Record collection grew quite fast back then.
Then I went to live on my own, which meant less money to spend. So I just started buying old vinyl records at second hand markets. Anything remotely familiar. And unfamiliar. There was a short ambient phase. Pete Namlook and so. Aphex Twin, Squarepusher.
Then came the dark years, as I call them. I rarely listened to the stuff I used to, got a little lost in hip hop. I guess mainly as a way to artificially inflate my self-esteem, which was needed, but didn't really help in the long run. And I was just hanging with people who listened to it a lot. It did lead me to go through all the old soul stuff. Marvin Gaye, Otis Redding,... Some funk too.
At some point I came back to my original loves, discovering the stuff I missed out on during the first run. Also lots of female musicians at some point. PJ Harvey, Hole, Nico,... Felt quite set free at that point. Really started listening to whatever, as long as it was good. Like my mind was finally opened up. Had a French phase too. Lots of Serge Gainsbourg. Then back to classic rock. Got into The Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin. Lots and lots of Bob Dylan. Quite late, wished I had gotten into it earlier. I had some stuff, but I didn't listen to it that much. I'm weird. Sometimes I'd buy something and then let it sit for years before listening to it. Always have to be in the right mood. Old blues, back to the origins. Then Belle and Sebastian, Neutral Milk Hotel, Elliot Smith, stuff like that. Now we're in the youtube age. So easy to find new stuff. Or old stuff I missed out on.
Plenty of artists I didn't mention, obviously. It's not all as linear as I put it down here. Lots of back and forth. So much great music's been made. It's amazing. I really couldn't live without. There's certainly phases. When I get into something new, or old, I get quite obsessive, listen to it on and on and on... slapping myself for not getting into it earlier. I've never really been part of a scene or so though. Always seemed to like things for different reasons, a little hard to explain, but I'm sure some of you understand. I guess I've always been into music for the music, not the social circles (surprise surprise).
Let's end this, it's long enough. You get the point. I like all sorts.
Edit: Forgot about the Jazz times. Charles Mingus, John Coltrane, Charlie Parker,... Pff, it's kind a useless to name it all. I won't read this again. Will only make me feel guilty for those I didn't mention.
Edit 2: more namedropping (can't help it): Leonard Cohen, Janis Joplin, Tom Waits, Elvis, Django Reinhardt (big django times at one point), The Smiths and Joy Division, Gil Scott Heron, Madness, Magnetic Fields, John Lennon's solo stuff (so much heart, so fragile),... I'm useless.
Edit 3: I'll stop editing now, just want to thank the gods of music for saving my life on numerous occasions, getting me through rough times. Not like I never found inspiration to pull through anywhere else (comedy, poetry), but I think I can honestly say I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for music. Sweet sweet music. Thanks. (bit of a lump in my throat now)
Edit 4: forgot to mention I'm really happy to have found a place here where I can just post songs. At times I feel like I post to many, in comparison to regular text posts. Mind you, I could easily post a lot more. Thanks for not shooing me away.
I swear I'll stop editing now. **** **** *****