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Musical ringtones, bane of my life

I just tend to not like any kind of phone ring at all...I don't like talking on phones much to begin with, so a phone ringing, to me, is simply a herald of bad tidings.

I do kind of like Nokia's "Christmas Dance" ringtone, though....just not when it's alerting me to the fact that someone's calling me.
Like, "Hey d00dz, I am 3l33t. S3nd m3 wa3rz." Last time I saw this juvenile delinquent dialect was in 1989.
Funny thing is I play an online game where one of my teammates starting writing like this because it's the latest craze among the youth :-)
Back on topic, I hate most inbuilt options for phone ringing tones.
I have opted for a song, but my choice is somewhat a joke in itself (in English, the title would be 'Don't phone'). One day as I wandered through a shop I heard the tune over the shop speakers, and I instinctively had to check my phone.
For me, especially if I'm zoned out, the tune needs to be loud and distinctive, otherwise I miss it - callers just don't hold on long enough otherwise. I tried a nice mellow sound from Masha and the Bear once, but I never hear it.
I'd like to use the Dr Who theme tune - that would get my attention - but my wife forbids me :-)
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My phone has a ringtone that sounds like a old dial phone ringing. That's the one I use, but I still have a flip phone. One of my grand kids said she didn't know they still made those. It will make calls, take calls and take messages. and that is all I need. To me, the fact that it takes messages is hi-tech.
My phone has a ringtone that sounds like a old dial phone ringing. That's the one I use, but I still have a flip phone. One of my grand kids said she didn't know they still made those. It will make calls, take calls and take messages. and that is all I need. To me, the fact that it takes messages is hi-tech.
I now own a smartphone, but to be perfectly honest? I miss that old brick of a Nokia that I had back in 2005. Thing was built like a tank, and got the best reception of any phone I've ever owned, not to mention way more battery life than any smartphone out there today! I guess there are always tradeoffs...
[QUOTE="Harrison54, The other day I had to recover a guy who was obviously hard wired to his phone. Four hours of listening to the damn thing whisltle, beep, moan and 'sing' got me to the point of wanting to throw it/him out the cab.[/QUOTE]

Hey Harris you have my condolences I think your job would kill me. I can't stand phones ringing at all, rattle me half to death when I'm trying to focus on writing. And now thanks to my father I get to guess which of my 2 stalkers it is Yeah! I think writing paradise would be a white washed cave in the arizona desert, a minefield around it for sales men, with the airconditioner turned up full blast for white noise. So harris get a white noise tape or symphony, and crank it up, or buy some prozac. :confused:o_O bad luck for you...

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