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My brother whom...

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What's the big deal about where you went to college in 1979? You keep bringing that up in your rants about me. I don't remember anything about it, but considering you went on and on about getting to go "uni" begging for help with that for years in multiple threads, I'm sure where you went to college came up along the way. So why is it such a huge deal? Why do you keep bringing it up?
Presumably the topic of this thread is stated in the title.

The first post leads one to believe that is the topic.

"I will call him Great Wahoo. He is interred with my parents here in Westchester County, NY, in a memorial I have the option of being interred in too.
I very much want to visit it.
We were not, unfortunately, able to see each other for many years before his death:(. More later.

Please (everyone) direct future posts in this thread toward that topic.
...I will say that I am not Munxhausen, the things I said about myself " as " myself (yes, on Wrong Planet) was true!!!!!!!!!!! The point about his snooping and finding out where I went to college in 1978-80 was that his doing so would have showed that I was telling the truth about my background Yet he
...I will say that I am not Munxhausen, the things I said about myself " as " myself (yes, on Wrong Planet) was true!!!!!!!!!!! The point about his snooping and finding out where I went to college in 1978-80 was that his doing so would have showed that I was telling the truth about my background Yet he
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