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My Doctor Told Me to

Simon N. Young, PhD Department of Psychiatry McGill University Montréal, Que.
....Epidemiologic evidence relates increased fish consumption to a decreased incidence of depression, but no clinical trials have been done with fish consumption. Further, tests of a limited number of over-the-counter fish oil supplements have revealed negligible contents of mercury and organochlorines, including polychlorinated biphenyls, whereas these compounds are a concern with fish intake.

In summary there is not sufficient evidence to suggest the use of fish oils for the treatment of depression and no evidence for the prevention of depression. Nonetheless, fish oils are good for the heart, have no demonstrated adverse effects when taken in reasonable dosages, and could potentially be beneficial for mood. Although patients should be discouraged from taking fish oils as a substitute for antidepressants or mood stabilizers, if they wish to take fish oils as an adjunct to those treatments, they should be aware of the tentative nature of the evidence for a beneficial effect on mood and inform themselves about possible contaminants.
Fish oils for depression?
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Try eating sardines a couple of times a week instead of pills. They're loaded with omega 3 oil, calcium and other good vitamins and minerals. I know I'm weird but I love them. Get the good ones - bristling sardines packed in olive oil only. I just put them on crackers as a snack or use them in place of tuna to make fish salad by chopping them up and adding a little mayo, mustard, diced dill pickles or capers, a little diced scallion, a little diced pickled jalapeno, diced hard boiled egg, etc. It's easy to customize the recipe to your taste, and makes a good, healthy sandwich. They are also a good diet food, high in protein and nutrients, and low in fat.

I eat sardines for those reasons, and also because they are the one fish stock that's never been considered threatened.

I buy in spring water if I can. The olive oil won't be extra virgin so it not much better than any other oil, and is like adulterated.

The only down side is Australia puts most of its sardines into pet food, so I have buy imported (which seems insane to me)

That and all the whinging I hear about the smell when I cook them.
I don't cook them as I think they are already cooked or processed so you can eat them straight from the can. How do you prepare them? Also, I don't know of any brands of sardines that are harvested in here in the US so I try to buy either Portuguese or Norwegian bristling sardines. They're not cheap because they are imported but are high quality.

I don't know how to start a thread on this website but am interested in autistics' food preferences as I often cook snacks for my autistic nephew and my students and cooking is one of my hobbies. Everyone says they like things like my beef, fish and chicken tacos, mildly spicy chicken wings dipped in ranch dressing, warm ham and cheese bites baked in puff pastry, fresh mixed fruit cups, deviled eggs made with diced dill pickles, and mixed lettuce salads with ranch dressing but everyone hates whole beans like whole black or pinto beans. I think its a textural issue with the whole beans but they do like the oven baked, spicy whole green beans with ranch dressing for dipping. There's a theme here - everyone likes ranch dressing!
I don't know how to start a thread on this website

In the screenshot below, see the blue button on the left that the (rather large, sorry I should have made it smaller) arrow is pointing to? Click that, and you can start your own thread.

Screenshot 2017-02-19 at 13.44.53.webp
My immediate response - what!! What is he smoking? Thus has been suggested for so many 'ailments' that it may be regarded as the ultimate panacea by many.

Goodness me, what is an ailment after all? I am not limping around with some kind of brain crutch to reveal that I have a mental disability.

There are too many other issues associated with an autism diagnosis that it becomes difficult to discern which ailment is being singled out for 'treatment.'

I am still to reach a conclusion as to who has the real problem - NT's or Aspies, and do who should be taking the 'medication' to prevent deterioration.

Sheesh, what a messed up world we live in!
Try eating sardines a couple of times a week instead of pills. They're loaded with omega 3 oil, calcium and other good vitamins and minerals. I know I'm weird but I love them. Get the good ones - bristling sardines packed in olive oil only. I just put them on crackers as a snack or use them in place of tuna to make fish salad by chopping them up and adding a little mayo, mustard, diced dill pickles or capers, a little diced scallion, a little diced pickled jalapeno, diced hard boiled egg, etc. It's easy to customize the recipe to your taste, and makes a good, healthy sandwich. They are also a good diet food, high in protein and nutrients, and low in fat.
Now I'm hungry.... Hahaha good info.
I don't cook them as I think they are already cooked or processed so you can eat them straight from the can. How do you prepare them? Also, I don't know of any brands of sardines that are harvested in here in the US so I try to buy either Portuguese or Norwegian bristling sardines. They're not cheap because they are imported but are high quality.

I don't know how to start a thread on this website but am interested in autistics' food preferences as I often cook snacks for my autistic nephew and my students and cooking is one of my hobbies. Everyone says they like things like my beef, fish and chicken tacos, mildly spicy chicken wings dipped in ranch dressing, warm ham and cheese bites baked in puff pastry, fresh mixed fruit cups, deviled eggs made with diced dill pickles, and mixed lettuce salads with ranch dressing but everyone hates whole beans like whole black or pinto beans. I think its a textural issue with the whole beans but they do like the oven baked, spicy whole green beans with ranch dressing for dipping. There's a theme here - everyone likes ranch dressing!

I don't always cook them, but I often put them in my fried rice which is what I eat for breakfast.

I can't eat gluten or eggs, or preservatives so normal breakfast is impossible.
General comment: Don't take fish oil AND "baby aspirin" (81mg aspirin) on the same day. They both have a blood-thinning effect. Together it could be a bad effect. (I alternate them.)
Are you sure he didn't say snake oil ?

It apparently cures everything :p

snake oil.webp
I called my doctor and asked him why he recommended fish oil. He said that it stops depression from getting worse - not Aspergers. I then asked him if he told me to take it for Aspergers and he said no. I guess I misheard him? Or hallucinated him saying something else? Well now I'm worried that I'm psychotic. Anyways, yeah.

I reckon that he did say it, but realised afterwards, perhaps when you phoned, that he had made a stupid error and rather than admit it, tries to wangle his way out of it, by saying he meant something else.

I have someone in my life who does this.
Sounds unprofessional to me I'm surprised

My psychiatrist told me to take fish oil every day so that "my Aspergers doesn't get worse." (I don't like using the word "worse," but those are his words. I don't want to discuss that word on this thread though.) he told me to take 2000mg-2400mg a day. Thoughts?[/QUOTE]
Sounds unprofessional to me I'm surprised

My psychiatrist told me to take fish oil every day so that "my Aspergers doesn't get worse." (I don't like using the word "worse," but those are his words. I don't want to discuss that word on this thread though.) he told me to take 2000mg-2400mg a day. Thoughts?

It depends on the body. Example: I have platelets that can crash in a heartbeat and apparently fish oil makes it worse.

And that is a lot he is recommending. That said, I have taken it, and I have taken a lot. Did it "help"? Well, it helped with things like focus and memory but any autism issues? HA. I have not found anything to help that except a nice dark cave and support from people who are kind and supportive.

Because we apparently developed "wrong" it is a long stretch to think we can go back and re-develop OR find something to mimic that.

Development encompasses more than neurology---we develop at the same time socially, financially, physically, educationally, nutritionally, etc...it is an endless constellation of developments, some of which we have probably not even discovered. Interrupt any of those, let alone almost all and it's a long struggle to regain even one or two. Early intervention helps, but a lot of us did not have that

So fish oil for autism? Please tell me when to stop laughing because I will be laughing till midnight. But if it is right for you or anyone else, that really is good.

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