Apologies but I wasn't quite clear on your Grandma's offer of the use of her car, are you saying that she's retracted it and was unexpectedly rude to you? Did I understand correctly?thank you for your kind words.
i realize now that my context was a bit generalized. for the sake of time and not wanting to read a lot ill be short.
in december of last year i totaled my car in an accident. my mom and i currently share a car and have been using it to go places, ive been going to work with her some days to pass time until im officially on board with my new job. this would seem like an issue upfront but my grandma has offered her car up to me. we were trying to plan a day to get together, but she was busy. after talking to her yesterday she was very rude to me about wanting to take this job, she told me to “deduct my pay and commute to seriously see if it was worth it.” it feels like i can never win with my family.
If so (and again I don't know anything about her and whether this would be normal for her or unusual) given no other reasons, it would sound to me like someone has privately changed her mind? If she isn't normally rude in that way and you see no other reason for it, then it could be a sign of conflict (between members of her family, she's been pressured maybe?).
But I'm venturing into pseudo-psychology and there's lot's of possibilities I couldn't know about. Don't take this as likely, more I guess I'm saying to try and think of the possibilities and not jump to conclusions too quickly, whatever the situation really is.
But one thing is I've still not heard you say anything specific as to why the journey to work is such an issue (assuming the offer of a car was still open) and yet exploring possible alternatives doesn't seem to have been on the table. Purely from my own experiences, when the reason given is fully genuine then most people look at the aspects that are the problem and discuss or at least explain them specifically. When that's being avoided it tends to mean there may be something unspoken that's influencing their attitude.