Some of it is training. Scripting is a valuable study. NT conversations often include, layered speech, innuendo, vieled reference, double entendre, and other things more difficult to understand, such as references to specific songs or television shows or to celebrities. To some people the life of celebrities is current events. Many people follow politics, rumors and news programming as well, and refer to that assuming that you know what they are talking about.
There is no indicator to the other persons use of any literary device, they just pop up, without warning. It can be difficult to tell if something said should be taken literally or if it is some type of metaphor or other literary device, such as above.
Scripting is a type of small talk that can be learned to seem more effective in conversation. You will need a notebook that fits in your pocket and something to write with as well.
The note book is used by you. You excuse yourself briefly and withdraw somewhere and write down something the person said, quickly, like a spy. Then later, you ask us here about what the heck the person meant, and we can help interpret it. Well i can only speak for me. I will try and help you interpret. I am not a frequent visitor here.
Scripting is a thing best learned in CBT types of counseling. It is much like a haiku, if you are familiar with that, or like a sonnet. Both of these are types of stylized lyrical poetry. The scripted response acknowledges some aspect of what was said and then adds a question, shared reference, suggestion, apology or something like that. Then you change the subject.
Everyone wants to talk about themselves. To impress people you can express your admiration for anyone or anything.
Its like learning a foriegn language. You can study it on your own, but having a mentor IRL helps alot.
So devise a set of stories, that are true about things you have seen and admired in other people. *abandon altogether anything self depreciating*
....."as you were speaking about the [topic, current] i was reminded of a man i knew who lived alone, in a house on my street. He has these beautiful flowers that grow in his yard, i love walking by there, because its so peaceful. Did you ever do any gardening? ...."
As an ND person you can train yourself for eidactic and pneumonic recall. You can easily devise a set of things like this to use. It can totally backfire though
People love confessions and many people like being asked for advice.
One thing you will likely struggle with is the teaching of the "A"s.
Here is some vocabulary. Dont try and explain this one to the people in your local scene, it will just make you seem even wierder. I am a level one wierdo, so i know about these things.
Advocate. Ally. Acquaintance. Associate. Adversary.
There are a few more but thats a good start. You are likely mixed up about the role of people in your life. You also likely assume familiarity, which can be offensive. The trouble is that it can be hard to tell what the other person thinks of you and what they think your role in thier life should be. If you accidentally send mixed signals, then that can frighten people.