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My name is Jess, I think I may be on the spectrum

Not all medical assessments are created equal. It's not like a something that shows up in a blood test. While they try to be objective, it turns out having a lot of subjectivity due to different medical personal involved. What I suggest is not to take any one person's opinion, even if that person is a doctor, as the truth. It is an opinion. But over time and thru investigation, hopefully, one can begin to see more and more evidence line up to make it clear.

Just the bit you've shared sounds very much like common elements among people on the spectrum, so I think you are on the right track, but of course that's just 1 opinion.

I found joining autistic forums very useful in my own self diagnosis. Really the thing that convinced me to not have any doubts. I mean I always knew I was an odd bird but back in the day we didn't know about type 1 and 2 autism. It was only after landing on this branch I realized I had found my flock.
I discuss this in another thread, I like to use colour as a analogy of different people with different levels of, intelligence or intensity in colour. I wanted to compare different colours use statistics to control them to a standard
irrespective of actual colour intensity or luminosity. This how my brain works, see connections that would not be apparent to others. I am no genius just a bit brighter than typical, so difficult to put into words what I can see in my minds eye.
Another analogy, popular on this forum would be the Myers Briggs personality test. Colour is measured in much the same way.
But you were tested in multiple areas of (1979-concept of) intelligence so results are probably good.
One thing I noticed when doing those tests, I have a sister who also has well above average intellect but if she sat those same tests she would have been lucky to score over 100. She can do quite complex maths in her head but when she tries to write anything down she gets brain freeze and can't think straight. She's not too good with spacial relations but she was a real talent with drawing and painting, until she had kids anyway.
All I know my brother and I wrote a sat test at the same time in high school both of use had almost identical results
he beat me by 1% both in the 90 percentile range. I think 94 and 93, years ago either way we were the highest in the class. He Is a Mensa member, has a degree in psychology, worked as millwright Incidentally my brother was to anchor for the schools reach for the top team. where Alex Trebek moderated before Jeopardy. Found out later my cousins kids team won the championship in the 1980's.
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