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Mystery: What looks identical to autism... but is not autism?

What's your Aspie Score?

  • 180+

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  • 160-179

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 140-159

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • 120-139

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • 100-119

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • 80-99

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-79

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Below 60

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I took a B.S. test on An INTP site took hours to do 1,000 questions said 99% chance I was on spectrum. I was floored,
my life made sense. The only time I ever got tested by a professional psychologist she phoned me back a few week later my abstract reasoning abilities had stunned her.
And then there is what is called 2e. These people have a condition such as ASD + giftedness. I wonder if they have a title for someone if they have ASD + ADHD + giftedness. 🤔
I am 2e. I know of no official term, yet, but ADHD is often treated as a co-morbid to ASD. ;)
@Jumpinbare I get the opinion that is some kind of joke but I don't get it.
You offered 2e.
He offered 3e...!

It is a little in the same vein as,
"A one-L 'lama,' he's a priest.
A two-L 'llama,' he's a beast.
A three-alahma is... one heck of a fire!"
My score is usually bordering on the maximum, but I got "You have answered inconsistently on too many control-questions"... even though I really thought I answered everything as honestly and thoughtfully as possible.

Guess I can't even test correctly anymore :rolleyes:
I got that on one of my tests. I waited like 5 minutes and took it again, being just as honest as before. I would swear I made all the same answers. And it gave me a score. Maybe the scoring algorithm glitches sometimes.

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