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Naked and Afraid (the series)


Leader of the otaku legion!
Ive been watching this series and im hooked, nudists might like this show, its like how we humans survived in prehistoric times naked, there were serious survival elements living in the wild naked. I guess for bible folks Adam and Eve but ya ya gotta hunt for food without being eaten. Nudity is involved but the body parts are blurred out, i love the show its fascinating. No sex is involved just survival, im sure they have to sign a contract they cant have sex or they are kicked off the show anyway. Im not streaming a show to to be safe just look it up on You Tube its a fascinating show.
We would never survive in this capacity. Like taking a couch dog and expecting him to survive the tundra. It's fun, but we were different. No one alive now could survive even 15 minutes in ancient rome, I wold reckon......
We would never survive in this capacity. Like taking a couch dog and expecting him to survive the tundra. It's fun, but we were different. No one alive now could survive even 15 minutes in ancient rome, I wold reckon......
These people are forced to live in the wildest wildernes with no cloths and survive like cavemen in the harshest environments possible, its intense yet interesting. I would not be surprised if there was a Tundra episode where they have to kill a bear or moose for fur to make clothes to keep warm and make a fire. People on that show quickly learn to hunt and gather to survive.
Your stuck in the wildest of wild with one partner buck naked with dangerous animals that could eat you and have to figure out how to survive its intense. Youll have to learn to hunt and not be vegan esspecially if your in the arctic veganism is not an option most these times.
There was a funny episode called men will be men when women dealt with their male partners waking up with a boner, most were ashamed and embarassed Women some did their best out of respect, struggled not to look it was so awkward. We guys do that were sorry we cant help it lol. Another funny episode a guy got stung on his pecker by a yellowjacket his partner a naked muslim lol he was Indian iirc he jumped in the river to cool his pecker. Omg getting stung there has got to hurt.
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I haven’t seen the show and it sounds like it really is nothing like this much of the time, but I saw an ad for it on TV that just showed a woman sitting there crying and screaming through a night-vision camera, and I wondered how that was supposed to make most people want to watch it. I’m not going to watch it, either, if nothing else because while I accept necessary killing of animals for food and/or other vital needs, I don’t want to see it first-hand if I don’t have to, or see the dead animals.

None of this is meant to say or imply anything negative about anyone who does watch it, for the record, I’d even consider giving it a go to see how resourceful the people could be if I could handle hunting better.
I watched a number of the episodes and found them interesting. I wonder how realistic it is though. For example, I saw some episodes where the contestants were in Africa in full on sun and they were all Caucasian with fair skin. Severe sunburn is a real thing. I find it hard to believe they could walk around nakes all day in full on sun and not be severely sunburned.
If I had a chance to go on the show I'd jump at it. I'm pretty savvy with wilderness skills and I love being naked. Wouldn't be very afraid. I might be too old.

If I were going on the show, if I couldn't get any real sun I'd sure be hitting the tanning salons. As you can see by my avatar I am quite caucasian and I've been known to wander about the bush nakes all day. You don't need a dark tan to avoid sunburn, just a moderate one, but if you spend a couple of weeks out there you will probably be a lot darker when it is all over. And a lot lighter around the belly.

90% of the time out there, you really aren't doing that much. Towards the end you just hunker down, do as little as possible and wait. The average human can survive for a long time with no food. You lose about a pound a day if you work and a half pound if you don't. As long as you have water you'll get by.

I am convinced they prod the survivors to accentuate the personal conflicts or to behave stupidly to collect a certain audience who would find two weeks of rational behavior to be boring. Some of them are clearly NOT experienced outdoors people, let alone survivalists. Some are real champions.

There was a show early in the series where they were on a tropical island and the red-headed guy got horribly burned. Idiot. There was plenty of shade to spend the middle of the day in. He also did some other stuff that was really stupid.

But sometimes they will stretch the rules a bit for the sake of the show if otherwise it will be a bust. The red headed guy I mentioned above was obviously given sunscreen to continue. There was a show in Africa where the guy refused to make shoes like the woman did. He ended up having minor surgery and antibiotics to keep him in the show. Another time, a team were allowed to "find" a shiny new pot to cook and carry water in. They were supposedly many miles deep in a swamp. Costs a heck of a lot just to set a show up and start filming. They can't have "survivors" jumping ship on day 3. I think in later seasons they have people witing in the "on-deck" position in case someone bails.
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If I had a chance to go on the show I'd jump at it. I'm pretty savvy with wilderness skills and I love being naked. Wouldn't be very afraid. I might be too old.

If I were going on the show, if I couldn't get any real sun I'd sure be hitting the tanning salons. As you can see by my avatar I am quite caucasian and I've been known to wander about the bush nakes all day. You don't need a dark tan to avoid sunburn, just a moderate one, but if you spend a couple of weeks out there you will probably be a lot darker when it is all over. And a lot lighter around the belly.

90% of the time out there, you really aren't doing that much. Towards the end you just hunker down, do as little as possible and wait. The average human can survive for a long time with no food. You lose about a pound a day if you work and a half pound if you don't. As long as you have water you'll get by.

I am convinced they prod the survivors to accentuate the personal conflicts or to behave stupidly to collect a certain audience who would find two weeks of rational behavior to be boring. Some of them are clearly NOT experienced outdoors people, let alone survivalists. Some are real champions.

There was a show early in the series where they were on a tropical island and the red-headed guy got horribly burned. Idiot. There was plenty of shade to spend the middle of the day in. He also did some other stuff that was really stupid.

But sometimes they will stretch the rules a bit for the sake of the show if otherwise it will be a bust. The red headed guy I mentioned above was obviously given sunscreen to continue. There was a show in Africa where the guy refused to make shoes like the woman did. He ended up having minor surgery and antibiotics to keep him in the show. Another time, a team were allowed to "find" a shiny new pot to cook and carry water in. They were supposedly many miles deep in a swamp. Costs a heck of a lot just to set a show up and start filming. They can't have "survivors" jumping ship on day 3. I think in later seasons they have people witing in the "on-deck" position in case someone bails.
Im sure Suzan might be interested shes in her 60s and a naturalist too. 2 of ya could join the show hehe.
Yeah, funny!
I've seen a few episodes, but, didn't really get engrossed.
The Chiropractor that sold Frank his family home and that I've known for 30 years
was the person who told me about the show.
He really likes it. He is an Aspie also.

I got a kick out of him wanting me to watch it.
I ask if he thought he would want us to go on the show together.
He said yes.
I laughed and asked him what would we do out in the jungle?
He said he could rub my feet! :rolleyes:
It would be interesting if the contestants fell in love after given neither have partners, im pretty sure sex is probably not allowed but there might be times once asleep or pretending to sleep till the camera crew is gone they might sneak a late night quicky lol.
I also like the show survivor with men vs women,sometimes a male member joins the female tribe and vica verca after attaining immunity after the obsticle course, im sure after the game one of em hooked up after the competition.
Yeah, funny!
I've seen a few episodes, but, didn't really get engrossed.
The Chiropractor that sold Frank his family home and that I've known for 30 years
was the person who told me about the show.
He really likes it. He is an Aspie also.

I got a kick out of him wanting me to watch it.
I ask if he thought he would want us to go on the show together.
He said yes.
I laughed and asked him what would we do out in the jungle?
He said he could rub my feet! :rolleyes:
My first response is finding food and shelter and make sure were not eaten by predators like a jaguar, find a cave make a fire, hunt for food so we dont starve and find a water source to boil clean drinking water. Also dealing with bugs biting us lol. Your gonna deal with annoying bugs in the wild naked. Seek out edible plants and fish too and keep the fire going so predators stay away. Find safe berries to eat and plants when not hunting, set a few traps, kill a few snakes, lizards, and small mammals to eat as food.
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I watched a number of the episodes and found them interesting. I wonder how realistic it is though. For example, I saw some episodes where the contestants were in Africa in full on sun and they were all Caucasian with fair skin. Severe sunburn is a real thing. I find it hard to believe they could walk around nakes all day in full on sun and not be severely sunburned.
Were fit for temperate forests as Caucasians but its a test of survival too in tropical regions Caucasians can survive but its harder.
In these survival shows im pretty sure many hook ups happened after the show, survival situations can bring people close together knowing they could die any time, and each partner keeping eachother alive hence bringing some chemistry and teamwork, a bond forms emotionally and physically, after the show want to go out for some coffee at starbucks dating.
Would be cool if Suzan and Au Natural joined the series, similar age both naturalists, just need survival skills too. Im still a young whipper snapper lol.
I can see a match making with Au Natural and Suzan after the show of naked and afraid, you can thank this whipper snapper later hehe.
In these survival shows im pretty sure many hook ups happened after the show, survival situations can bring people close together knowing they could die any time, and each partner keeping eachother alive hence bringing some chemistry and teamwork, a bond forms emotionally and physically, after the show want to go out for some coffee at starbucks dating.
From what I've seen there were probably a few life-long hatreds too.
I've thought about doing my own youtube show, Naked and not Afraid. I lack the resources and video skills. I think it would be fun.

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