You can ask him what Asperger's feels like to him.
Sensory issues? Do certain lights or glare bother him, perfumes, scented candles (Gaack!), scented carpet and room sprays? Itchy clothing tags? Being around active, noisy children? Foods with weird textures? Going to restaurants with background chatter distracting him? Does he shrink from soft touches, but love firm touches? Hate hugs, but love initiating touching on his terms?
Social stuff? Does it feel like other people all somehow know a secret code to getting along, making smalltalk, etc., and he doesn't? That can feel frustrating, confusing, embarrassing, and make socializing really draining.
Does he feel like superman when he excels at a project having to do with his special interest? This can feel really neat. Bonus if you ask questions or want to share an activity of some of his interests, too.
Has he got rituals that feel calming for him?
Has he got a favorite special interest? (Warning: Get a cup of tea, a snack, and go potty first! The answer may be enthusiasm-fueled and take a while!)
Does he have shutdowns (brainfog, lack of awareness, disassociation) when he's overwhelmed by sensory or social overload? When does that happen, at a crowded café, or during a 6-person get-together where someone's invited small kids along?
Anyway, asking what his experience with ASD is really like, will let him know you care about his feelings. As his girlfriend, you can be learning to:
Say what you mean, mean what you say. Hints and subtlety can frustrate.
Appreciate your own alone-time without him, because he's likely re-charging himself when alone, so he can be a better partner.
Be clear on how you feel, on what you would like from him.
Give really obvious compliments, to let him know he did a great job of something.
Best of luck!
Sensory issues? Do certain lights or glare bother him, perfumes, scented candles (Gaack!), scented carpet and room sprays? Itchy clothing tags? Being around active, noisy children? Foods with weird textures? Going to restaurants with background chatter distracting him? Does he shrink from soft touches, but love firm touches? Hate hugs, but love initiating touching on his terms?
Social stuff? Does it feel like other people all somehow know a secret code to getting along, making smalltalk, etc., and he doesn't? That can feel frustrating, confusing, embarrassing, and make socializing really draining.
Does he feel like superman when he excels at a project having to do with his special interest? This can feel really neat. Bonus if you ask questions or want to share an activity of some of his interests, too.
Has he got rituals that feel calming for him?
Has he got a favorite special interest? (Warning: Get a cup of tea, a snack, and go potty first! The answer may be enthusiasm-fueled and take a while!)
Does he have shutdowns (brainfog, lack of awareness, disassociation) when he's overwhelmed by sensory or social overload? When does that happen, at a crowded café, or during a 6-person get-together where someone's invited small kids along?
Anyway, asking what his experience with ASD is really like, will let him know you care about his feelings. As his girlfriend, you can be learning to:
Say what you mean, mean what you say. Hints and subtlety can frustrate.
Appreciate your own alone-time without him, because he's likely re-charging himself when alone, so he can be a better partner.
Be clear on how you feel, on what you would like from him.
Give really obvious compliments, to let him know he did a great job of something.
Best of luck!