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Need to sell my campervan!!

Is it 4wd? I would post on over landing/off roading pages. I can't view ad as I do not have Facebook.

There is quite a large following of overlanding econolines here in the US.
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Actually stolen by a 'friend' who drove off and hasn't paid me a penny! Anyone know how to set up a crowd funder?
Report it as stolen. Share the details (that there was a false promise made), BUT:
don't explain more about that than you absolutely need to, and make sure what you say counts as theft, not fraud.
Report it as stolen. Share the details (that there was a false promise made), BUT:
don't explain more about that than you absolutely need to, and make sure what you say counts as theft, not fraud.
I transferred ownership online before he drove off (I know, I'm a ****head!!); difficult to prove he didn't pay me cash before he left
Do you know who he is, or is it a stranger? That really is a shame, I thought it was nice that it worked out and you got it sold.
Do you know who he is, or is it a stranger? That really is a shame, I thought it was nice that it worked out and you got it sold.
I met him three years ago, but he lives a long way away so most of our communication has been on social media. Though he was more trustworthy that this or would never have signed it over

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