Welcome to AC Riley! You will find a lot of insight on Asperger's on here. I've learned so much by only a mere month of membership; my psychologist recently "diagnosed" me, though not formally and suggested I join an online community - so here I am. I should have gone to see a professional years sooner instead of sweeping my struggles under the rug, as I've been struggling for years.
I'll be turning 30 later in the year so it took me almost 30 years to finally get help. I felt different throughout my entire life and I've constantly struggled with OCD/general anxieties and social interaction; I also have a lot of trouble controlling my emotions. I suffer from low self-esteem and I've hardly ever had any friends. I'm glad you have a partner and at 20 years old; I've never dated in my entire life, ever. I used to not even be interested in it; I've been a lone wolf by choice up until my early 20's. I did have one childhood friend who was too socially awkward.
Then I suddenly grew tired of the solitude and wanted to make a lot of new friends in college, but failed at it miserably, becoming more alone than ever before. I regressed into my "lone wolfdom" and concentrated more on work after graduating; I do software development for a living. You said you're into dinosaurs? Well, I'm not 100% into dinosaurs but I do like some specific dinosaurs - like Tyrantus, a dinosaur featured in WoW/Hearthsone that I coined my username after.
I have been obsessed with other things like streetlights, sprinklers, construction sites, Isuzu tow trucks, and 4-digit numbers that start with 9. I used to be more artistic as a child; I used to write stories, poems, songs and even a few plays; I used to also draw a lot. For some reason I hardly ever read books. I read a lot of hearthpwn because it discusses cards from the video game I'm currently obsessed with, Hearthstone.
I have some stims that I'm not proud of. I used to chew on my shirts, and now I often fidget and peel skin off of my fingers and lips; I also clip my fingernails without using clippers, sometimes to the point of bleeding. I do that whenever I'm nervous and I'm pretty much always nervous. I also exhibit numerous facial tics for the same reason.
Anyway, enough about me. I'll let someone else take the driver's seat.