It had length limit, so I had to break reply on two pieces. Here is a continuation of my reply:
Lastly, "actual jerks" apologise and say they won't do things again just as much as "nice" people. To give an extreme example, this pattern of offence/aggression -> apology/sincere assurance that it will not happen again -> repeated offence/aggression the next time they lose their temper, is recognised in some abusive relationships.
Actually I had two year relationship where I did exactly that. What happened in this case is that I dated a girl with PCOS and, due to this, she lost a lot of blood during her cycles, to the point that she couldn't walk and I was taking care of her. Now this particular time was the BEST in our relationship: the fact that she trusted me, and I was the only one that helped her (while her family was far away and her friends more or less forgotten about her) drew us very close. But then, when she was no longer as sick, I decided to catch up on the physics that I put aside in order to help her, and thats where the problems started.
The first physics related problem was dance class. I guess looking back I can see that "dance class problem" was me rather than her. In particular, when I am doing physics calculation, time seems to go very fast, but then when my calculation gets interrupted because I have to go to a dance class then time goes really slow at a dance class, and thats why I sincerely felt like I could have finished the calculation in a day if not for that dance class that makes it drag on for months. Looking back I can see it couldn't have possibly been true since the dance class was only few hours a WEEK and I had the rest of the time to do my calculations. But unfortunately I didn't realize it at the time. Another part of the problem is that she hasn't communicated to me WHY she wanted to go to dance class. From what she told me later, due to the fact that she couldn't walk for few months and then FINALLY she COULD walk, she decided to celebrate it by doing something fun that she couldn't do during those months: namely, dance class. But she didn't tell me that until few months afterwards, so I had no way of knowing it! To me it was just a chore that I had to do "just because". If only she were to simply tell me this earlier I would have treated the dance class completely differently.
Also in terms of fun things to do our interests were different. I like to go explore places, while she likes to watch TV for several hours on end. Once again, part of it is my perception problem. At the very end of the relationship I finally took her to one of the restaurants I enjoy going by myself and she actually liked it, and she said it would have made a relationship better if I was taking her to such places all this time we were dating! But I stupidly assumed otherwise up until that one time, so on my end I felt like she was "keeping me from doing what I really like to do" and on her end she felt like I was not contributing anything to the relationship. But then when I finally took her to that restaurant and saw the light, it was too late to do anything about it since, by then, I have accepted postdoc in India. And she similarly told me towards the end of a relationship that I didn't have to sit all those hours watching TV with her, I could have expressed initiative to do something else. Well that is another big newsflash for me. I was thinking all those months that I was "forced to endure" the TV and couldn't do anything about it.
Finally there was the whole conflict between her and my parents. It started when my parents wanted to attend some cultural event in Crimea and my girlfriend wanted to go to North Carolina with me and she made reservations that weren't refundable. The way I dealt with that was that I told my parents that I want to go to Crimea but I have to go to North Carolina against my wishes so that my girlfriend won't get mad, and I told my girlfriend that I want to go to North Carolina but I have to go to Crimea so that my parents won't get mad. I was hoping that by blame shifting I won't hurt either side no matter what my decision is. But it worked just the opposite to what I expected: both sides only got even more angry over the fact that I was "just" trying to please the other side. After the relationship was over my girlfriend told me she would have let me go to Crimea if I were to say thats what I wanted rather than my parents, and my parents told me that they would have let me go to North Carolina if it was what I wanted rather than my girlfriend. But you see I didn't know that! But in any case, the way I handled it lead to a conflict between my girlfriend and my parents that lasted throughout the second year of our relationship (that trip conflict was right in the middle of our two year relationship, so first year was relatively easy but it was the second year that was hard -- and what marked the beginning of second year was first the dance class and then the trip conflict a couple of months later).
Anyway, going back to what you were saying: so you were talking about long term relationships where the pattern of temper tantrum --> appology --> temper tantrum keeps happening. Now, this particular relationship is where I did that, and yes I know WHY I did that. In particular, remember how I said that at the time when she was sick and I was taking care of her it drew us really close? Well, because of that, I didn't want to "betray" her, since I saw for myself how fragile and vulnerable she is. So, even though I no longer liked her during the second year of a relationship (for the above described reasons) I didn't want to break up with her in order not to hurt her. And yes it was about her this time, not me. On my end I was regretting the fact that I met her on the first place since that is what put me in this dillemma, and I was also promising myself that if, by some chance, I was "freed" from this relationship, I would never seek any other relationship again: well clearly I was wrong because here I am wanting another relationship, but that is what I felt at the time since that was how far I felt pushed up the wall. And now let me REALLY go back to the point you were making: because I felt torn that way, I kept hoping that I could do something that would make her break up with me herself, which would spare me from being the one that initiates a breakup, and that way I won't have to feel guilt about hurting or betraying someone so vulnerable. Now, as far as the tantrums go, part of it is simply that I can't control myself (due to the fact that my girlfriend was constantly mad at me over all sorts of things), but the other part was that I didn't try to control myself as much as I would have in other situations since I knew that her breaking up with me was the only way out of all this. That is the reason for recurrent tantrums. And, as far as apology, its purpose was to alleviate my guilt since I saw that, despite the fact that I wasn't breaking up with her, I was hurting her in a different way, so I felt bad about it which caused me to keep appologizing. Now like I said our relationship lasted for two years, and I was doing that throughout the entire second year of a relationship, so I really do feel bad that I put her through all this, I was trying to spare her feelings by not breaking up outright, but I ended up hurting her a lot more. And yes the fact that I feel bad about hurting her is sincere: ever since I dated her I was taking flowers off the road because flowers being hurt by a car reminded me of her being hurt.
Anyway, be it as it may, as you see this toxic pattern is specific to that relationship; with all the other relationships I was simply testing limits that was temporary until the "test" was over. It was this ONE relationship where it wasn't a test but rather I felt trapped -- and this particular scenario could have been avoided if only I were to think of certain things I mentioned here back when I should have thought of them. The point though is that what is behind the apology in her case is totally different from what is behind apology with other girls. In her case I wanted her to break up, and the purpose of apology was to make her hurt less. With other girls I didn't want them to break up and the purpose of apology was to keep them, whereas them being hurt was the last on my mind since I felt I was the victim -- in sharp contrast with what happened with this girl where I felt like she was.
You seem to be really fixated on people 'punishing' you for being a nerd. Newsflash: some women love nerds. Universities are full of these sort of women. Highly educated intelligent men who are passionate about their subjects are interesting. If your girlfriends are finding you boring you need to date someone who shares your interests.
The only question is why don't I have any luck finding such girls. The fact is that I always put interest in math and physics, along with graduate student status, on a top of my priority list in terms of whom I would date. But I never got a chance to date any of female physicists because I was forced to settle on people I have nothing in common with.
And don't monologue, one sided conversations are generally boring however interesting the topic.
Which is precisely why I felt mislead when it was so OBVIOUS that the girl was bored by my monologue and then few weeks later she said that actually it was due to temper tantrums I threw a couple of weeks BEFORE said monologue!