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Cogs Of My Cranium

Well-Known Member
As time goes on I am becoming more and more nocturnal. In fact now I feel totally nocturnal. I don't sleep until 5 or 6am and I don't wake up until at least 2pm. I like the peace of the house at night. I like how I get more emotional and artistic/creative in the evenings. I can also speak to people in the usa easier at those hours. There are other benefits. I'm wondering if this is linked to aspergers as I'm sure I've heard this is something aspies do. Does anyone else feel nocturnal? What do you like about it?
I always been a night person and also had no issues working the back shift. I can't say it something I like about it, I just it just part who I'm.
I come alive at night. There have been times when I've come up with a bunch of great ideas and gotten really excited about them late at night, then been disappointed because I had to go to bed. Right now I usually go to bed at 2 AM so I have a lot of fun until then. I'm the last person in the house to go to bed, so the solitude and quiet are like heaven for me. I think that's part of it. For me it's the best time to look things up, read, listen to music, watch videos, whatever. No people, no noise, no expectations, no stress. Just me.


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I'm a total night owl, and I love it. I guess it's the quiet, or perhaps it's the silence/dead of it: no one but me is stirring (usually). I'm also much more creative at night and able to get much more done than I can during the day. I also just don't really like sleeping at night. Because I'm much more focused and myself, I feel like I'm being so unproductive at night and could be doing other things.

I guess I feel sleeping during the day is productive and sleeping at night is a waste of my creative/special interest time. Plus, I've made friends from all over the world, so this lets me chat with peeps from Australia when they're awake rather when they're sleeping because they're so much more ahead time-wise than I.
I was a night person for 12 yrs because of work and I really did like it a lot and didn't think I would ever like getting up in the morning like normal people. I must say though, that now since I had to change my hours around for the new job I really like the mornings. I'm really going to like it once Spring comes, I think.
Oh yes, I went nocturnal when my autistic switch got flipped when I was 14 and I've been at war with society since. Feel free to steal, kill, and deal drugs, but heaven forbid if you sleep weird! But it's exhausting going to bed at dawn if your windows aren't properly darkened. My favorite sleep schedule is going to bed in the late afternoon and then getting up between midnight and 4AM.
Oh yes, I went nocturnal when my autistic switch got flipped when I was 14 and I've been at war with society since. Feel free to steal, kill, and deal drugs, but heaven forbid if you sleep weird! But it's exhausting going to bed at dawn if your windows aren't properly darkened. My favorite sleep schedule is going to bed in the late afternoon and then getting up between midnight and 4AM.
I have those "weather" curtain/things, so the light just barely shines in to my room. XD
I'm not particularly nocturnal by nature and have a fairly strict routine when it comes to my sleep schedule. But as I work through the afternoon into the evening, I do go to bed quite late - I don't sleep until about 2am.
I'm nocturnal aswell, there are several reasons I can think of.
Astronomy has always been an interest.
From the age of 14 untill june 2014 I always worked nightshifts in a bakery.
At night its dark, not as much light to annoy me. Its also a whole lot quieter.

I find it easyer and more enjoyable to look at the city after dark.
As time goes on I am becoming more and more nocturnal. In fact now I feel totally nocturnal. I don't sleep until 5 or 6am and I don't wake up until at least 2pm. I like the peace of the house at night. I like how I get more emotional and artistic/creative in the evenings. I can also speak to people in the usa easier at those hours. There are other benefits. I'm wondering if this is linked to aspergers as I'm sure I've heard this is something aspies do. Does anyone else feel nocturnal? What do you like about it?
Oh, yes, definitely. It is the stillness. I am too easily distracted and/or made anxious by the daytime world. I didn't realize that until I learned about AS, maybe because my sensory issues aren't too severe. Or because I am oblivious. I thought I was procrastinating or something. But no, it's more that I feel pressured and like, hard to center myself, in the daytime. There are constant noises and movements and bright lights. It's very tiring trying to focus in that, and the added anxiety makes it harder for me to be productive.
Wow! I'm surprised that so many Aspies are night people. I'm a Aspie ,but just the other way. I go to bed early and get up early. If I sleep until 8:00AM, I get upset with my self for wasting part of the day. I feel my best in the morning when I'm rested. I've never been a night person. Just another reason that I'm different.
I have always preferred the evening and found myself becoming a lot more motivated, but now that I have reached middle age ( hate that) at 45, I am the opposite and really do not like the night, which for me, represents, getting older.

My time to sleep is 10:30 pm and although I hate getting up in the dark, 6 am or thereabouts, is the best for me, because it makes the day longer, which in turn, makes me feel that time us rushing ahead of me.
While I've always been a morning person, something nice happens after 10pm. If I want to work especially hard, or do something creative that I already have skills for, the fact that everybody-not just my household, but the neighbors, the traffic, work colleagues, phones, and so on...all those demands just go away. I don't think that's necessarily aspie, but I think I react really, really well to less sensory stress, and I do think I enjoy it more than my non-aspie associates who aren't as sensitive.
I like mornings. My anxiety symptoms are not as bad, from the time i get up (8am) till like 11-12ish. They peak in the middle/late afternoon, only to decrease in the evening. I have no clue why it is like this.
I like mornings. My anxiety symptoms are not as bad, from the time i get up (8am) till like 11-12ish. They peak in the middle/late afternoon, only to decrease in the evening. I have no clue why it is like this.

I find that when I have anxiety, it's worst in the morning when I first get up, gradually wanes over the afternoon and then is usually pretty much gone in the evening and especially late night. I read something about cortisol levels peaking in the morning so that could be a reason, or at least a factor, for me.
I find that when I have anxiety, it's worst in the morning when I first get up, gradually wanes over the afternoon and then is usually pretty much gone in the evening and especially late night. I read something about cortisol levels peaking in the morning so that could be a reason, or at least a factor, for me.

Thank you for replying to my post, the thing you are saying about cortisol levels going up and down, makes sense to me.
I am so much of a night person. Even if I've had a really tiring day and felt really sleepy all day, 10pm comes around and I'm awake fully.
I try to get some sleep at night because if I don't I regret it but I'm not in the mood at that time and it takes a good 2 hours of trying to fall asleep whereas during the day if I want and need to, I can fall asleep within 5 minutes.
Its strange this, because I was going to look to see if anyone had posted about being nocturnal and here it is!
Its annoying at times but only because society says it's not "normal", therefore people "can't possibly be nocturnal"....
I have those "weather" curtain/things, so the light just barely shines in to my room. XD
Someday, I'm recreating my room at my parent's house. Dark blue curtains, blue walls, and glow-in-the-dark stars everywhere. I designed that room for calmness and sleep. I wouldn't be too surprised if my parents moved down there when I'm able to finish getting my books and stuff. They waste no time "protecting the other from germs" by sleeping in my old room when they get sick. :laughing:
Chicken or egg----I am not certain which came first; my AS or messed up circadian rhythms. I am told that as an infant I would be put to bed, fall asleep, and then wake around midnight and play quietly. I could not be forced to go back to sleep and it had to come when my brain was ready. All my life, getting up in the morning before I awoke naturally (usually around noon) was torture and there was very little way to avoid getting up for school or church. However, my mother was simply a ***** and would come into my room on Saturday morning and scream at me as if I were doing something sinful because I wanted to sleep until noon. I was also always considered to be deliberately negative about everything but I finally learned when I was in my 60s that I have AS. As I was planning my retirement I decided to move to the country where I could afford to fence an acre for my 4 Siberian huskies. I soon found that living away from town was very nice because I seldom saw anyone. I chose to work 3-11 or 11-7 and I slept damn well when I wanted. I retired at 62 and have stopped apologizing for wanting to sleep late EVERYDAY! I always request afternoon appointments. My neighbors know I sleep until noon and so do any people who may remember me from my previous life when I was forced to interact with people every day. I am now a happy hermit.

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