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Yup! If I didn't go to school I'd be completely nocturnal. Everything about night-time is just "fresher", am I making any sense? I can think and learn and write better. Also, I don't have to talk to people, as most of them are sleeping. Ever since I was a toddler I always found it more difficult to go to sleep at night-time instead of the day. I always get this huge burst of energy when it darkens, as compared to the sleepy feeling I have all afternoon. I guess it might have something to do with Asperger's, there being less visual imput to process, since everything is dark, and less social information to process since everyone is asleep. If all goes to plan, my job is going to be night-based anyway. Any of you have night based jobs? How does it work for you?
I think aspies get "phase-locked" more easily than others...part of our rigidity maybe. However I can't really say if that's a thing or not. I started waking up at 4am consistently much to my dismay when the season changed and I tried to get up earlier a couple of times. I don't even use an alarm to do it now. This tends to happen to me with sleep in general.
I was a night person for 12 yrs because of work and I really did like it a lot and didn't think I would ever like getting up in the morning like normal people. I must say though, that now since I had to change my hours around for the new job I really like the mornings. I'm really going to like it once Spring comes, I think.

I'm changing my mind. I like to be in bed at 5am. Getting up in the morning is for the birds - literally. :p

Turn your face away / From the Garish Light of day / Turn your thoughts away from cold, unfeeling light,


Insert Lindsay Sterling quality violin solo here​

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