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Noise sensory issues..

I literally can’t deal with some noises..
dog eating or drinking I have to cover my ears it’s that disgusting
People eating in particular foods that crunch or can just hear..
people slurping drinks is vile
Tv blaring on some annoying programme or radio.. and music unless just peaceful sounds or calming music like Clannard
Arguing… shouting…
Any type of annoying tapping sounds or scratching
The list is so long actually
Yet… at night I have to sleep with calming sleep sounds of water on Alexa..
but do enjoy hearing peaceful sounds of nature or the rain outside..
anyone else have sounds they hate and sounds they like…
Babies crying (I don't mind when they're my nieces and nephews but in public places I just can't bear it and have to get away)
Noisy motorcycles or cars with loud engines (I hate it when you can hear them go on for ages up the next street)
People moving about in a room above me (it seems to set off my vertigo for some reason)
People who have loud coughs or sneezes (coughs that make my ears vibrate, sneezes that startle me)
Babies crying (I don't mind when they're my nieces and nephews but in public places I just can't bear it and have to get away)
Stuck sitting on a plane near a mother and baby - when the plane takes off the air pressure shift makes them squeal. I sympathise with the mother and child but that high pitched squeal causes real physical pain to me, like a metal spike is being driven through my skull. All I can do is sit there and bear it, pale and shaking with tears streaming down my face.
- rain
- wind in the trees

- machine washer, laundry machine
- fridges and freezers in the supermarket
- scooters
- old TV beeping
- water dripping from tap
I literally can’t deal with some noises..
dog eating or drinking I have to cover my ears it’s that disgusting
People eating in particular foods that crunch or can just hear..
people slurping drinks is vile
Tv blaring on some annoying programme or radio.. and music unless just peaceful sounds or calming music like Clannard
Arguing… shouting…
Any type of annoying tapping sounds or scratching
The list is so long actually
Yet… at night I have to sleep with calming sleep sounds of water on Alexa..
but do enjoy hearing peaceful sounds of nature or the rain outside..
anyone else have sounds they hate and sounds they like…
Animals eating or cleaning themselves makes me angry. I don't know why, but the sound drives me nuts! People eating as well...I have to wear headphones when around other people eating. Slurping is a big one for me as well. I force myself to watch Korean shows and I barely get passed the scenes of them eating and slurping noodles...which is a good part of the each episode. They're either eating or getting drunk.
Babies or children crying...makes me panic. I can't figure that out yet either.
Prolonged noises that repeat over and over again...many people all talking at the same time as well.
Running water into cups or pots in the sink...yet, I love water features outside.
When it's hot outside....I hate feeling wet from sweat all day long. If I workout, I can shower, but when we do go somewhere and it's hot, I can't get rid of that feeling.

Rain and the wind in the trees is soothing. I love watching how the trees move in the wind. Sitting back and watching the clouds move and morph into other shapes is amazing to me. Simple pleasures I guess.
Lots... mainly high pitched or sudden, loud noises. Dogs barking, kids screaming, babies crying, people whistling, motorbikes, the scrapman.
TV or radio commercials are unbearable.
Stuck sitting on a plane near a mother and baby - when the plane takes off the air pressure shift makes them squeal. I sympathise with the mother and child but that high pitched squeal causes real physical pain to me, like a metal spike is being driven through my skull. All I can do is sit there and bear it, pale and shaking with tears streaming down my face.
I have perforated eardrums so extreme high pitched or low pitch noises can physically hurt my ears and make me wince in pain.
I have perforated eardrums so extreme high pitched or low pitch noises can physically hurt my ears and make me wince in pain.
For me the pain isn't in my ears, they don't hurt at all. The pain is in the very centre of my skull, it really does feel like someone's pushing a metal spike through it.

TV or radio commercials are unbearable.
I don't own a TV or radio mostly for that reason. The news readers get to me too, too much hype in their voices, so I prefer to read the news.
I hate on Heart radio when they keep shouting "SHOW ME THE MONEYYYYY!". It's like a lot of radio stations these days are designed to irritate people having to listen to it in their car or at work.

I can't stand it if a TV is on too loud and you have to shout yourself hoarse to others in the room over the noise.

I remember I was on a bus once and this kid was letting out the most loudest and high-pitched squeals I've ever heard. My ears were making odd noises inside, and for about an hour or so after getting off the bus my ears were ringing and I felt like my eardrums were going to burst.
That's why I avoid working at places like supermarkets because that's where kids have the most loudest temper tantrums at any given time.
I remember when I had my first job it was at a supermarket, and on my first day when another worker was showing me what to do, a toddler was running up and down the aisle literally screaming at the top of his lungs. It made me so anxious that I began shaking, and the worker noticed how white my face looked so she took me out the back to sit down for 5 minutes. Yes, one noise can do that to me if it's loud and unpredictable enough. I really envy people who have the ability to ignore the noise.

I can't do radio or TV for the same reason.
No news, traffic or weather reports.
I can't do waiting rooms where they have TVs going with phones ringing and strangers fiddling.

Loud noises are better although still not great, because at least I only hear one thing. When the noises are small I can hear too many sounds at once and I can't filter.

I cannot stand crinkle, like that hard plastic packaging, snack wrappers, or paper bags. It's so bad that in the true sense of misophonia I'll become enraged and want to hurt the person. It's an uncontrollable response.

Styrofoam rubbing.

Anything dripping or squeaking.

Footsteps. People typing. Cutlery noises. Electronics that beep.

I could go on.
I don't own a TV or radio mostly for that reason. The news readers get to me too, too much hype in their voices, so I prefer to read the news.
I usually read rather than watch. Some news channels are worse than others. I can't stand the more commercial ones that have dramatic background music, as well as other visual special effects. Don't give me the drama, just the facts!

Also, those talking heads shows are awful. They have 4 or 5 people on screen at any one time, all talking over the top of each other. It's unbearable.
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I get fed up watching it just while I'm waiting in the fish and chip shop, I don't think I'd ever want it in my home. :)
The worst is when I'm forced to be a passenger in a car and the driver puts on the radio. I can't tolerate those morning shows with hyper announcers, ads, weather, traffic, news, general frivolous banter with voices talking too fast in addition to the driver wanting to talk. Then add windscreen wipers or the turn indicator noises. I'll want to jump out of the moving car. I can't stand being a passenger or even being the driver with passengers. I'd rather drive alone and crank up my own music so I can drown out all the rest.
Also as @Peaceandquiet mentioned, loud aggressive voices. They cause really severe distress for me, I want to either run away and hide or wade in there and start knocking heads together. Anything to make it stop.
Some sound effects in TV shows or documentaries. Static noise or steel on steel type sounds, Gratuitous noise with no real purpose other than providing noise. There are some channels or documentary series I just can't watch. Also visual effects like flashing or whiteout on the screen, flickering images, that kind of thing.
Loud voices only upset me because I soak negative emotions up like a sponge. When a teacher shouted at school I used to get very nervous because then I knew they were angry and I was frightened of doing anything wrong in case I'd get shouted at too. It sometimes happened, because I was consciously focusing on being good so much that I failed and the teacher would yell at me. It was why I didn't like school.
When I got older I still had nerves when a teacher shouted but it made want to laugh instead, due to nerves, not mockery. This was worse because if the teacher caught me laughing they'd probably just lose it and give me detentions. But I knew how to hide it, and if I kept my head down over my book I knew the teacher wouldn't notice.
Any voices that won't shut up. ^

When my grandmother died I had to sleep at my aunt's house. I'd flown there and I was exhausted after a day of travel with its own overloading noise. I was trying to get to sleep but everyone including my mother was sat up very late talking, laughing, and reminiscing in the next room. I felt badly about this, but I got so overloaded I had a nuclear meltdown and yelled obscenities at them all.

When my kids have friends over I can go into rage mode too. I sequester myself in the cellar with headphones, or hide in my room so I don't freak out.

I've been known to put my hands over my ears in public and tell people to shut up.

It's horrible, I know. I'm ashamed of it. I can't control it. I have 24/7 bilateral tinnitus too, so silence is just an imaginary concept that I'll never achieve.
Also as @Peaceandquiet mentioned, loud aggressive voices. They cause really severe distress for me, I want to either run away and hide or wade in there and start knocking heads together. Anything to make it stop.

I get this reaction even if they're talking quietly. It might even be worse if they're talking quietly or whispering because I consciously assume I should be able to ignore it but I can't. My hyper brain strains to hear and make sense of what they're saying which makes more work than if they were talking at an audible volume. It's the same with TV or radio. Heaven help anyone who has one going quietly as background noise. I had a meltdown at my dentist once because they had a quiet TV going with one of those insipid talk shows with a league of self-inflated women squealing about celebrities, on top of the radio with dance beat music, and on top of their own banter and the sound of all the dental tools. I threw my dentist-given sunglasses and ended up on the floor crying, with my hands on my ears.
....and ended up on the floor crying, with my hands on my ears.
I've never gone that far but I certainly feel like it at times. When I do react it's a little more externally focused than many other people though. I got a standing ovation in a supermarket once.

I entered the supermarket at the same time as a woman with a little boy, probably 3 or 4 years old, he was sitting in the shopping trolley throwing a tantrum. No words, just non stop high pitched squealing. She was ignoring him.

Both of us ended up going up and down the same aisles at the same time, the kid never shut up and she never did anything about it. By the time I got halfway down the third aisle I'd had enough. I have a very big and well trained baritone voice and I use it sometimes.

"Lady, if you don't shut that kid up, I will!"

The kid shut up instantly, and the whole shop went so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Then someone started clapping, someone whistled, a few others joined in. The lady with the kid picked up the kid and her handbag and walked out, but once she got out from in between the aisles everyone could see her and they all started clapping and cheering.

I was a hero for the day. :)

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