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Noise sensory issues..

When I was a baby (about 2 years old) my mum said I was screaming in a restaurant, and a worker there came up to my mum and politely asked her to leave temporarily until I had calmed down, because other people were trying to eat. My mum understood, as she was getting annoyed with me too, so she took me to the bathroom, got down on to my level and told me to behave myself and eat my meal like a big girl. I said something like "I wanna be big girl" and when we went back I actually sat up the table nicely, and mum kept praising me up. This is good training on small children. I had ADHD (unrecognised then) but my mum still managed to control me to an extent. It's when I got older was when I was harder to control, but by then I wasn't screaming or a nuisance to other people, I just showed my parents up (which wasn't nice for them, I know).
I wish I could control it like you. Sometimes I just go into internal rage mode but it's not uncommon for me to freak the heck out.

It seems like every time I go in the market there happens to be a dude restocking the snack foods aisle, putting bag after bag of crisps and crunchy bag noises on the shelf. It's like auditory terrorism to me. Crinkle sound is absolutely unbearable for me. I can go from zero to meltdown in seconds. When they're restocking snack food I usually have to rush out of the store and leave my stuff behind without paying.

I have the same degree of sensory intolerance to scent, lighting, and texture. I can't do sunlight or electric light, chemical scents or many real scents including flowers and cooking smells. There are lots of things I can't touch or even imagine touching, including water. I've had to take my own curtains and cleansing products to people's houses before, if I'm staying there. It's almost impossible to live with my level of sensory craziness.

It all got exponentially worse after my cerebellar stroke. Apparently cerebellums coordinate "everything" including nuance and timing. They do the fine tuning of all information for our nervous systems.

Let's just say I'm not very well tuned.
I can go from zero to meltdown in seconds. When they're restocking snack food I usually have to rush out of the store and leave my stuff behind without paying.
Can relate. I get that from loud, esoecially pulsating or sudden sounds like motorbikes, tooting or an alarm going off, though. It can take much less when I'm tired or overwhelmed.

I've had to take my own curtains and cleansing products to people's houses before, if I'm staying there. It's almost impossible to live with my level of sensory craziness.
Can relate too. I don't sleep in other people's houses at all. I take my own sheets, pillow and sleeping bag to vacation. Cleaning products too. I don't enjoy travelling that much. It's draining. It can be fun at the same time but... lots of problems.
I absolutely hate it when several conversations take place near me. Especially if they are just clear enough that I just can`t understand what they are daying. During lunch at the school I work at it is not so bad because there is so much talking I can`t understand any of it, it is just sound nothing that even sounds like words.

Music can really annoy me. I never have music on at work or at home. My children often want to listen to music in the car. When I`m not driving it doesn`t bother me that much. But when I`m driving it really distracts me.

My dogs barking or my children speaking too loudly when playing.

We have those water fountains for our cats. Because apparently they like drinking from moving water more then from still water. The one in the living room doesn`t bother me as much. But the one we have in the attic annoys me because there is a lot of piping there. And I always think there is a leak of some kind.

There are a couple more things. But these were the first that came to mind.
OMG I have a cat water fountain too. It's in my kitchen. I go out of my mind if it's not full to the top or else it makes a water pouring sound. I'm constantly adding cups to it.

I used to have large aquaria but couldn't deal with any filter noises whatsoever.
Loud, sudden noises terrified me as a kid. I grew up in a rural area, and there was a bird scarer cannon in a field near my house. I used to run past it with my hands over my ears. Also, thunder and lightning scared the bejesus out of me. If I was outside, I ran home terrified. The local neighbourhood kids made fun of me.
I have a cheap $2 wall clock hanging in my lounge that ticks every second, I find this sound very soothing and relaxing. To me it's the sound of home.
That's ironic. I'm OK with my wall clock too. It's very muffled and soft yet soothing. My oven makes a little clicking sound when heating and I like that too.
Animals eating or cleaning themselves makes me angry. I don't know why, but the sound drives me nuts! People eating as well...I have to wear headphones when around other people eating. Slurping is a big one for me as well. I force myself to watch Korean shows and I barely get passed the scenes of them eating and slurping noodles...which is a good part of the each episode. They're either eating or getting drunk.
Babies or children crying...makes me panic. I can't figure that out yet either.
Prolonged noises that repeat over and over again...many people all talking at the same time as well.
Running water into cups or pots in the sink...yet, I love water features outside.
When it's hot outside....I hate feeling wet from sweat all day long. If I workout, I can shower, but when we do go somewhere and it's hot, I can't get rid of that feeling.

Rain and the wind in the trees is soothing. I love watching how the trees move in the wind. Sitting back and watching the clouds move and morph into other shapes is amazing to me. Simple pleasures I guess.
Animals cleaning themselves! Yuck I totally understand that I actually tell my dog to stop it I can’t deal with it or just walk out the room quick! And the tap dripping.. but love listening to waterfall sounds or underwater sounds or rain etc. strange but a tap dripping is a no!
I really struggle to understand people when they talk, especially when there is background noise, and attempting to translate all that very quickly wears me down.

I don't like the constant noise of traffic, and can't stand it when people constantly listen/watch something. I'd much rather just read and listen to the forest, but it is so far away.

I don't even like most music, it gets stuck in my head too quickly and I never like it. It's always too much. I just want peace and quiet, I want to live off-grid again. I feel so trapped in this modern world.
I literally can’t deal with some noises..
dog eating or drinking I have to cover my ears it’s that disgusting
People eating in particular foods that crunch or can just hear..
people slurping drinks is vile
Tv blaring on some annoying programme or radio.. and music unless just peaceful sounds or calming music like Clannard
Arguing… shouting…
Any type of annoying tapping sounds or scratching
The list is so long actually
Yet… at night I have to sleep with calming sleep sounds of water on Alexa..
but do enjoy hearing peaceful sounds of nature or the rain outside..
anyone else have sounds they hate and sounds they like…
On the train platform, if I see a freight train coming, as they are always louder than normal passenger trains, and feel "too much" I block my ears.
There used to be an RAF base near me, and I spent the first few years of my life living in RAF bases, and the planes were sometimes too loud.
I don't like jackhammers or road drills, (I think they are the same)
Skateboarders are too noisy and so are cages of milk when dragged along the street.
I'd rather sit outside the coffee shop, but will sit in if I have to, it just sounds manic in there.
The sound of people eating.
There's probably more, I just cannot think of them off the top of my head.
Any loud or sudden noise can be too much. I HATE jump scares, they annoy me to no end.
repetitive noises like ticking or tapping in certain mental states can even be too much. Or my husband chewing with his mouth open, he cannot have gum around me, it's a rule we agreed on. (I need rules even if my own)

I love all kinds of music but there are days Metallica can make me cringe and I need Bach or nature sounds to soothe or watching a movie and the blowing up or shooting noises are 100 times louder than the talking. I have noticed some days I can handle loud music and will sing off key and dance around as I clean then others that same volume and song hurts. The higher the stress the lower my tolerance that's an easy given.

The worst can be the ringing in my ears, couple that with anything else and it is too much most definitely. Apparently, the ringing in my ears is from working on jet engines without good enough ear protection, (that's all on the military there) and nothing can be done about it. I have had it over 30 years now but it still can get overwhelming at times too.

I had it happen so bad a year ago I went deaf for like 30 minutes, the ear doctor says if it happens again to go to the emergency room next time. I forget what she called it but you can lose your hearing for real from it. I tried to explain to her I had similar things happen all my life though, I can see people but I stop hearing the words or making sense of what they are saying to me. It only happens when its too much sounds though so I dont think its what she thought it was but what do I know lol.

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