I am not the only one who understands this concept of how emotions can alter logical thinking,...so I think this is less "my personal truth" and more of a "general truth", as this is demonstrated in the psychological literature. That said, I also believe you make some valid points, which the literature also suggests,...but again,...I am trying to keep things within the context and perspective of an "argument vs discussion",...and not something else that may confuse the issue.
Yes and no.
Yes, emotions do influence thinking and yes very strong emotions can alter thinking to the point of disabling it.
No, being emotionless does not mean to improve the thinking process. In fact people with brain damage who cant process emotions cant make even easy day to day deccissions or think properly.
By sharing evidence of the "bad influence of emotions into thinking" and not sharing evidence of the "bad influence of emotionless into thinking" we are directed into thinking that emotions are bad for thinking. And that is not true.
Im not so good with articles and citations, but this two should be enougth to direct you to the sources in case you did not know about this fact: