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Not all nts are the same about us

That or misspelling?

I have been called crazy by my husband many times, because I do tend to let down my guard and of course, that is the consequence.

I did mean lazy. Like how you said it seemed like an awful, unthinkable chore to go back upstairs and get your sleep apnea thing. Most people would probably interpret that as laziness, but it’s actually not at all.
Despite being an nt, she was SO EASY TO TALK TO and me being me, full of excitement to be understood said how much I like her and she said: well, Suzanne, I like you too and the more I am getting to know you, the more I can see the traits coming from you, but find it lovely.

I find that, with my lack of social and interpersonal skills, the people with very high social and interpersonal skills are the easiest to talk to. I think they make up the gap that I normally couldn't. It sounds like you found someone like that.
I really don't see the difference between what both of us have posted.
I have never sorted my world by neurology.
Unless you are wearing a blue star or some other outward way of signaling that you are in fact autie to what you perceive as NTs, no one would ever know.

But just like me, you are free to think as you wish ;)
I should add that, the more I look back on those four years, the more I’m convinced that that downplaying and denial of being Autistic really ruined my life; (not that I wasn’t ruining my life before that) and is one of the key reasons why I don’t have a wife, kids, and a job today.
I totally see what you mean, but at the same time, how much do you know about schizophrenia? Multiple sclerosis? Epilepsy? Downs Syndrome? Heartburn? PMS? Etc. People aren’t interested in things that don’t affect them i.e. that aren’t relevant to their lives, so I think the idea of raising awareness is generally a waste of time.
Well we’ve got to do something.

So far things are going okay with this friend, hopefully she’ll start to see things differently as this conversation unfolds.

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