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Not New, Just Back... Hopefully


Well-Known Member
I've seen others post here saying that they're back after their hiatuses so I'm guessing it's fine for me to do so as well.

But I'm back after not really being around for a while for stupid reasons.
That being that I got too caught up in following politics which wasn't all that great for my mental health due to what's been going down lately.
I've been told by a few people to not pay as much attention to politics and to just relax and focus on what I enjoy.

I figured frequenting here again would be a good distraction from politics and hopefully I can stick to it and don't wind up getting caught up in all that again, as I know it hasn't been good for my mental health.

I guess there was another reason for my absence too, at least initially.. that being me getting sucked into Skyrim and spending most of my free time playing it. In hindsight I should've just stuck to doing that and not got drawn into the political drama eh?

And don't worry I'm not going to discuss politics here, I know the rules here around that. Was just stating it as a reason why I wasn't around.. because I was "Doom scrolling" political content instead of scrolling through the forums here.
Yeah. The state of alot in the world has a generally negative affect on mental health. That's exactly why I avoid the topic of politics. Plus you need a thick skin to debate, to begin with.

Skyrim isn't a bad game to burn time with. Especially with mods and all the new stuff going on.

Anyway. Glad to see you around again, @FoxLovinPat ~ <3

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