Well, painted from a photo his owner provided. :") I would have done a smart looking portrait painting in soft pastels on paper but the photos just sooo weren't suitable for that, so I used the acrylics and the poster style. His wiry fur suits the brush anyway.
Ooh "special interest!" heh

Yes, okay well my garden is below ground but not underground, the people in the street can lean over to look down into it, and they do, those who are interested in gardening. They have a much better view than I have from my window actually but I like to hear their opinions in secret from behind the living room curtains.

I have a ground floor flat with an extra room, in the basement underneath my living room, and the window of that allows me to climb out into the little bit of garden. It was just a paved space but I added many plant pots and hauled compost back from the shop and through the flat. I'm gradually building up the number of pots and plants to fill it up.
The front of the four storey (plus basement makes five) house faces north-north-west and the garden is about nine feet below the street so the it is always in deep shade except for a couple of hours each day in summer. I decided to try to grow some unlikely plants for such a position and our local climate to hopefully impress, as well as some that would be more at home in this setting so there would be something to look at even if my more exotic plants failed. Here is the sunniest end in May, things just took off after that.
View media item 11171I have the tiniest little pond in the shadiest corner of the garden, just a small pot sunk into a larger pot of compost so it keeps the compost damp when it overflows, to grow hostas and four types of ferns which are gradually obscuring the pond and making it better for wildlife.
View media item 11173I have since pushed the coated wire mesh down to the water and inserted "rapid rooter" type cubes through it to support some watercress then next spring some wetland grasses and anything wild that takes root there. I have seen little dragonflies in the garden so hopefully they will be able to breed or at least feed there.
View media item 11174I will upload a few more pictures to my profile for anyone who is interested.