Thank you to all respondents. For more background, my biological father walked out on me, my older sister and my mom. I don't even remember time before then. My first memory was the three of us moving into our new place that first day. Shortly thereafter came step-dad (anybody watch that movie? LOL) He was a Wisconsin farm raised factory worker alcoholic. Like most of us 70's children, i got my share of merciless beatings with "the spanking belt".
Later, these two also became foster parents . Different kids in and out until they finally settled on three of them and eventually adopted them. Two were a brother-sister set. I didn't have jealous feelings at the time, my brain focused on the altruistic side of it then later feeling bad that they were part of the Bing Crosby style of parenting.
These days, as stated, I do make and have friends...some actually like me BECAUSE they know I speak my mind and never do anything to harm, ridicule, embarrass or humiliate them. (That show "Punked" obscene is that? A friend is not what I would call somebody that does that to a friend)
My background is different from yours in that my parents are crazy nice, but were overprotective. When bullying started in 7th grade and kept going through the rest of school, I had a nervous breakdown and sort of blamed them for not socializing me more, then not noticing bullying and my extreme distress
So I assumed issue was my parents and dumbass rednecks
But then I became very liberal and I went to college and sexual assaults by gay males resulted in severe ganging up on the victim, which was far worse than bullying I experienced in school.
I don’t really think that anything is anyone’s fault in particular, I think that just lack of interest in what other people are doing combined with other people saying how great they are, while behaving exactly the opposite is tremendously difficult for kids who just lack interest in what other kids/people/social messages are, and who might take things very literally
Like my 9th grade biology teacher who pretended to ignore violent slapping of my head from behind was considered great, because he was the girls basketball coach who led the girls basketball team to state that year. But then gay, gay advocate counselor I was assigned at university and female gay advocate psych and my gay advocate social circle sort of ganged up on me for sexual assault because they also were considered great for standing up for an oppressed minority, while also getting away with the same laziness as 9th grade biology teacher and ignoring or blaming the victim, because the victim does not know what is going on and can be easily tormented for being a convenient scapegoat for others misbehavior.
These things aren’t actually different. There are endless subtle things that one has to learn to deal with people, primarily, as a clueless kid, that people in positions of power and influence are lazy and self interested just like everyone else, somone has to play a game for them not to ignore ones plight or torment the victim because it’s more convenient
It’s just if one has very little interest in other kids or other people or learning social games as a kid, one gets so far behind, which makes them a target, which might mess their head up so much that it’s very difficult to ever recover from
I don’t really think it’s the things that seem so obvious from individuals as much as it is just a general misunderstanding and intolerance for kids who have fallen behind because they just have no interest in what others are doing, so they end up dealing with 18 year old issues with 10 year old social skills and understandings and nativity