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Noticing asd traits in others

Interesting thing... I ended up speaking with this person's parent... On an unrelated issue. And this gentleman threw some parallels to his daughter... I just one of the people I ever mentioned in the original post... Please suggested that she was on the autism spectrum... And I mentioned that I had noticed some traits but did not think it appropriate to mention anything... He said that he was not at all surprised that I recognized the traits. So it seems that the conversation came up quite naturally It just took some time
I watched a u-tube video actor, musician, well known being talked about by physicists. He is obviously a genius, on the spectrum This is what happens when you go public, I just caught bits on joe Rogan interviews. Thinking to myself that could be me He was a some body I'm a nobody. I want to remain a nobody. I suspect many of us want this Why I like this forum If you get labelled outed life can get uncomfortable.

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