Hello all,
I've learned that people with asperger's are often misdiagnosed with personality disorder.
I know that this is because their behaviors and traits are oftentimes similar to each other.
My questions : do they show show similar behaviors in romantic relationships as well?
Many of the psychopathy(or NPD) survivor communities say that people with personality disorders show a certain relationship pattern which goes idealize-devalue-discard.
Do people with asperger's show a certain relationship pattern like NPDs?
Looking back n my life "relationships" are pretty problematic... I simply see, feel, sense, everything differently so I don't perceive affection as others do... If someone is a really touchy feely person, and demands to touch me and be too close to me... It basically freaks me out. If they demand admiration from me, it freaks me out. If they say they need to be treated in a special manner, or deserve some level of special treatment... I simply don't often know how to do that without "manufacturing" some level of fakeness in how we correspond with each other.
Overtime I have found it is safer for me to simply avoid close personal relations. Its often too complicated and I usually am made to be the inferior fool. I need time to think. I need people to give me my personal space. I can often find the right emotions IF I am given the time to make things equal what I truly feel... BUT IF I dont feel how I am expected to feel... then I am seen as a cold hearted jerk, when that was the very last thing I was trying to be.
So my future has no more want for most any level of "relationship" UNLESS by some miracle someone might allow me to be my true self and not expect me to change to fit their needs.
I do not expect others to change. I just wish they would be honest and upfront in the beginning on what they expect from me.
I may fall asleep in a conversation... It doesn't mean you bore me. It means I was tired, overwhelmed, had too much input for the day, did too much that I didn't or don't usually do. My brain will literally shut me down, even if my body is screaming to carry on... I can override this to some extent, but it has a cost and mental exhaustion is a high price to pay over and over.
I may not say anything (when people apparently are expecting a response)... I later notice a distancing, or an agitation and I go off in my head and relive (retrace) what took place... Meanwhile they are still moving forward and maybe in a not so nice manner... So this snowball effect starts happening where I cant keep up with all the screwups I am committing (not on purpose)... It gets complicated really fast... Now throw in any romantic gestures in this mix and I can get very uncomfortable really fast. Its not that I'm not capable. It simply that my perceptions of everything is so different that I start struggling when I should be having the time of my life...
So many people see people like me as duds or useless. They are in such a rush that they cant see while they are already to third base... I'm still standing at bat, now with 2 fouls and hoping for a bundt. I have been in situations where I was "expected" to do what the other person wanted... Once that is made clear and if my perceptions cant make any logic of it... then yes I'm done and I'm the jerk who cant read these signals that 99% of the world find easy to figure out... Or do they? It seems like no one gets a gold metal in the relationship olympics... No one I know of anyway. : )
I may drift off in my head while we are talking which may have been triggered by something you said. I may get stuck on that while you have already moved two subjects from it. This makes me come off as WEIRD... Yet I may have been so involved in something you said and you will never even know that...
Relationships are so tiring for me... I would just rather eat a lawnmower blade, or drink gasoline I think...