The more I read about autism, the more it seems clear (to me) that autism traits are accient while NT traits are more recent. I mean here autism and NTs evolutionary traits, not autism frecuent problems in our modern society. Let me share some observations I have done about the subjet:
So I was having those thougths when I started reading some Temple Granding books like "The autistic brain" and " Animals in translation". There she explains how animals brains work, and their social behavour and many other (very interesting) things and by doing comparions she concludes that (in her oppion) autists brains and senses are closer to brains and senses of animals than NT brains and senses. This reinforced my personal view of NT traits being a more modern variation of homo sapiens gennes (and of NT traits being responsible of the homo sapiens exponential growth in the last 100k years, causing the holocene mass extintion).
And today I bought an audio book called "Sapiens: A brief history of humankind" that is not about autism at all, its about the personal informed view of the author of our history. And in the very first chapter he talks about homo sapiens being more or less in equilibrium with the enviroment until about 100k years ago where something happened to us that make us to grow exponentially destroying the enviroment and all the other human species. And the magic adaptation that according to him explains our success is "socials". More in detail he explains that things like "gossiping", "figurative thinking to create religions, nacionalisms, laws and other expressions of social culture" allowed us to colaborate in way bigger groups so we could have such success. So this book (at least the first chapter I hear today) seems also to reinforce my own view about his matter.
And as I have nobody else I can tell this, I am telling it to you. You may care or not, but I dont feel judged by having different ideas or interests here in the forum.
Thank you for that.
- Autism traits are more family-tribe-small groups oriented, in this groups individuality is important as any person of the group knows all the other people.
- NT traits works better in bigger groups where its needed to merge with the group, suppositions about how other people think or behave are important because there is no chance to know all members of those big groups. And there is such level of especialization that everyone must follow the designed plan for them.
- Autism sensory traits are "aware" of a lot of imputs, filtering "badly". This is usefull in dangerous enviroments, like those of accient times when whe still had not dominated the enviroment.
- NT sensory traits filter almost everything but what they expect to see, hear or think. This is usefull in social heavy groups and enviroments which have been dominated and no longer are so dangerous.
- Autism values and ethics are more in the direction of being at equilibrium with nature, there is less ambition, less need of having more than other people of the group, less aggression, and more comtemplation. To me this makes sense with humans who was in balance with their enviroment in small groups.
- NT values and ethics are more about supremacy, being the best, having more than other members of the group, more about social status, power, influence. Thus they dont care much of the enviroment and grow without control consuming all kind of resources until they need to move, expand, or do war.
So I was having those thougths when I started reading some Temple Granding books like "The autistic brain" and " Animals in translation". There she explains how animals brains work, and their social behavour and many other (very interesting) things and by doing comparions she concludes that (in her oppion) autists brains and senses are closer to brains and senses of animals than NT brains and senses. This reinforced my personal view of NT traits being a more modern variation of homo sapiens gennes (and of NT traits being responsible of the homo sapiens exponential growth in the last 100k years, causing the holocene mass extintion).
And today I bought an audio book called "Sapiens: A brief history of humankind" that is not about autism at all, its about the personal informed view of the author of our history. And in the very first chapter he talks about homo sapiens being more or less in equilibrium with the enviroment until about 100k years ago where something happened to us that make us to grow exponentially destroying the enviroment and all the other human species. And the magic adaptation that according to him explains our success is "socials". More in detail he explains that things like "gossiping", "figurative thinking to create religions, nacionalisms, laws and other expressions of social culture" allowed us to colaborate in way bigger groups so we could have such success. So this book (at least the first chapter I hear today) seems also to reinforce my own view about his matter.
And as I have nobody else I can tell this, I am telling it to you. You may care or not, but I dont feel judged by having different ideas or interests here in the forum.
Thank you for that.