I have an uncle who could be on the spectrum (I'm not biologically related to him), but he could be ADHD, or both. He's in his 70s now but has always been the same. While he has a good heart, he can get nasty when frustrated and he hates being wrong too. He takes everything out on my aunt, sometimes makes her cry. He blames her for any minor mistakes he makes. He's an aggressive driver too and shouts and swears - oh and blames my aunt for everything the other cars do. When she defends herself he just cuts her off by yelling "sshh!!!! I need to concentrate!"
Very hard work.
Yet he genuinely worries about her and her family and does show love and security. But he just can't control his tempers. He's not violent but he's just very impulsive and can't take accountability for anything he does.
It's hard for both parties, which is why I'm not taking sides. It's upsetting for the person on the receiving end of it, but it's difficult for the autistic/ADHD person to just be normal. You said your partner forgets his last outburst. Do you think he's really forgotten, or might it be that he just wants to avoid taking responsibility for his actions? Or maybe it could be a form of guilt and doesn't want to talk about it.
He seems to be finding communicating these feelings quite difficult. I find communicating feelings easy, so if I yell out of frustration I always apologise to my partner afterwards when I've calmed down. But I very rarely yell at him, and all couples do yell at each other sometimes or occasionally.
Very hard work.
Yet he genuinely worries about her and her family and does show love and security. But he just can't control his tempers. He's not violent but he's just very impulsive and can't take accountability for anything he does.
It's hard for both parties, which is why I'm not taking sides. It's upsetting for the person on the receiving end of it, but it's difficult for the autistic/ADHD person to just be normal. You said your partner forgets his last outburst. Do you think he's really forgotten, or might it be that he just wants to avoid taking responsibility for his actions? Or maybe it could be a form of guilt and doesn't want to talk about it.
He seems to be finding communicating these feelings quite difficult. I find communicating feelings easy, so if I yell out of frustration I always apologise to my partner afterwards when I've calmed down. But I very rarely yell at him, and all couples do yell at each other sometimes or occasionally.