Magical Pattern Auspie
I wish to tip my hat to Putin, with lots of respect for offering sanctuary for persicuted Jews in Russia, that was a very nice Godly thing to do. I don't understand why Muslims are attacking Jews or Christians for their religion. I grew as a child in a Muslim country, I do not recall it being okay to attack the family of a host who has offered you hospitality....this is something a infidel would do. You are guests in our lands you chose the benifits our ways brought to our not bring old tribal feuds with you...this is not our way, respect our laws and peoples.
If some one harms or disrespects you or your family, go to the police, if they don't help enough, ask your good Christian or Jewish brothers for may be surprised at just how much help and kindness you get. Anyone who attacks or insults a Muslim minding their own business and going about their day should be dragged of to jail and punished, this sort of Godless behavior is unacceptable. Everyone, whether they be Muslims, Jews or Christians, has the right to go to to the market and work unmolested. Godless street thugs should be punished until they learn to respect other peoples rights.
If the police don't take care of it, all the local people should get together video tape these bigoted street thugs, overpower them, and drag them hog tied to the nearest police station with the video of their misdeeds taped to their forehead. Do that and things will get pleasant and quiet real quick.
On a unrelated side note: I didn't not like RTs story on Sarah Palin very much...even tho I personally liked her and felt she was treated unfairly as was her family....I can not stomach her support for waterboarding. I will not vote for anyone who supports such Godless things, it is better for us as a Christian nation to suffer a little more Terrorism and still keep our Christian values. A Terrorist Biblical law can be put to death for his evil murderous ways....but Torture stains our Christian is un-Godly.
And Sarah you messed up on Snowden too, do your homework before you speak, Snowden risked his life and gave up his country to stop evil crawling into our government and nation.....he gave them a choice reform and follow proper constitutional law or lose their files. They chose to lose their files because they were too admit their sins....just like the Space Defence boys are doing with me....pride goeth before its fall.
On more pleasant note to Russia: If you can't go abroad to vacation this year, why don't you pack up some camping gear and go east on the train, there are endless miles of empty Russian land begging to be explored...crying out for cattle ranches and dairy farms, chicken and sheep farms, there are mysterious mountains hiding possible Gold mines and many other things. In other words go have some fun rediscovering east Russia. I'll call you chicken
if I beat you to it...
If some one harms or disrespects you or your family, go to the police, if they don't help enough, ask your good Christian or Jewish brothers for may be surprised at just how much help and kindness you get. Anyone who attacks or insults a Muslim minding their own business and going about their day should be dragged of to jail and punished, this sort of Godless behavior is unacceptable. Everyone, whether they be Muslims, Jews or Christians, has the right to go to to the market and work unmolested. Godless street thugs should be punished until they learn to respect other peoples rights.
If the police don't take care of it, all the local people should get together video tape these bigoted street thugs, overpower them, and drag them hog tied to the nearest police station with the video of their misdeeds taped to their forehead. Do that and things will get pleasant and quiet real quick.
On a unrelated side note: I didn't not like RTs story on Sarah Palin very much...even tho I personally liked her and felt she was treated unfairly as was her family....I can not stomach her support for waterboarding. I will not vote for anyone who supports such Godless things, it is better for us as a Christian nation to suffer a little more Terrorism and still keep our Christian values. A Terrorist Biblical law can be put to death for his evil murderous ways....but Torture stains our Christian is un-Godly.
And Sarah you messed up on Snowden too, do your homework before you speak, Snowden risked his life and gave up his country to stop evil crawling into our government and nation.....he gave them a choice reform and follow proper constitutional law or lose their files. They chose to lose their files because they were too admit their sins....just like the Space Defence boys are doing with me....pride goeth before its fall.
On more pleasant note to Russia: If you can't go abroad to vacation this year, why don't you pack up some camping gear and go east on the train, there are endless miles of empty Russian land begging to be explored...crying out for cattle ranches and dairy farms, chicken and sheep farms, there are mysterious mountains hiding possible Gold mines and many other things. In other words go have some fun rediscovering east Russia. I'll call you chicken