I managed to lose my first pocket knife when it fell out of my pocket. I replaced it with the same kind, but Amazon was running a special sale that had a smaller one at a discount, if you spent a certain amount (less than the cost of the first knife), so I ended up with two. The smaller one is nice, when I don't want it to be obvious. The bigger one is pretty obvious in my pocket. [emoji14] I got my first one because I'd been watching way too much MacGyver. I use the scissors a lot. I prefer them for clipping my nails, over the clippers. I seem to always have loose threads or tags that need to be cut off and they never bother me until I'm away from home, so I'm always having to fix those. It's gotten to a point where everyone who knows me, knows I carry one, so everyone asks me for it, when they need to cut something. Even when other people in the room have something, I'm always the first asked, just because of that reputation. (My cousin always carries one, too, but that seems to have been forgotten somewhere along the way.)