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Occupational Therapy Sensory support information

It is good that others are asking for seeking getting the support they need with adaptions, well done with that vergil96.

I want to buy to buy this today, it is a electric shock game.

I also want to buy something like like a hand press and glide thing to use. I haven't seen something suitable though,

I was in hospital recently and it was so helpful for me to have the confirmed diagnosis. I was trying to prevent an overwhelming. I turned the lights off where I could and pretty much kept my defenders on with me before and after, just not taking chances. It went on.

Thiis is from my channel. It is from the Museum of Illusions in Zurich. Best light museum I have seen. You know you can turn the sound down as well.
I bought these drums for myself today. I find noise difficult but sometimes rarely I may try and waken my senses and alert me and jump me up out of my skin to wake up in the senses and come round and like a drum can shock me and move me and waken me. I tried drumming pounding on my cooker top for a short while and it gave me this idea. Some I would never try again like that bell when I bought a smallish one it was causing me a sensory breakdown and the sound hurt my ears too much. I don't know how small this will be. I should measure everything after the book stunt as well that came pocket sized when I was expected a full A4 paperback at best.

Hope it works, it was quite cheap at £12.99


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I find it just too hard to wrap my head around some of these very bizarre words to me. I like the simple things and can just get my head around things like grounding.Things like proprioception is just plain confusing to me and leads to strange perhaps intrepations by myself. How do they expect many autistic people to understand this stuff. My OT was really the best to me.
But things like proprioception is a bit confusing right-To me this means that Rachel something doesn’t know where she is. Is she is on a bus or space well she never even left her bedroom as well not quite but you get me. Then is there feels suspended, no she is sitting down. Sort of I do sometimes and can crash into walls and shutter but still to encourage things. I was doing it all along and then wondering when talking with someone else if I had mild epilsey to from what they said about theres.
Now there is another one voice in the crowd she doesn’t know who is speaking. That sounds a communication and language to me.What is that doing in an OT report.
I can take things a bit literally like a domination to me if not very careful and I am careful.
Mum could how they go they go in her lingo-means rachie go slow go slow take it easy girl
This is for another one Special interests I cannot even pin it down may be we should give it a go.
I was doing it all along and then wondering when talking with someone else if I had mild epilsey
I wonder if I have some very mild form of epillepsy and there is no clear answer. What makes me wonder are weird feelings in my brain after being exposed to flashing lights or loud repetitive noises. It makes me feel dizzy and nauseous, sometimes derealisation or like my brain is itching or got hiccups and has "quick bursts" of energy / acceleration. I don't quite know if it's a brain signal thing or just anxiety. Certainly unpleasant. I feel shocked for a while when that happens and very tired afterwards (which is also true of anxiety attacks).

It looks like therapists like giving additional stimuli to "calm down", it doesn't work for me for whatever reason. I can maybe see why it could work, but lack of distraction from distressing stimuli isn't something I struggle with.

I have had more success with reduction of the volume of stimuli. Such as noise-cancelling headphones and sunglasses. Adjusting my devices with screen and sound settings. Choosing more peaceful places such as shops to go to, preferrably not in malls, but outside.
I was talking to someone and they said I have this condition a mild form of epilepsy and you know when I am thinking sometimes my mind can like pause and restart like missing time and me just looking at them..Then I said I do this as well I wonder if I could have that. Excuse me I have go to quickly and I couldn't take it. I have certainly have done this even from my 20s in my notes I have seen. I can do it for longer. And just from a brief conversation.
The listed symptoms if I looked it has been so long ago to remember and many more will be on it. How would even go even go about it that exploring it it seems like a homework as well.
I decided to go to my local Tesco Express yesterday and en route a family had put the guitar in a skip. I looked at it and thought ok why not add to myself my music collection with my drums and I took the guitar home with me. Took it home and got my cleaning wipes out. I have used it and it can be nice to string up a few keys try and change scene. So for me, I never knew it or considered but in my toolkit, a small guitar. I think it could do with one new peg, but I can work that out.


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