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Officially diagnosed :)

That is awesome that you go your daignosis. I can only imagine how it feels. Keep this joy, in heart. This is a very good thing.
Congrats on getting there!

When I got my diagnosis, I had a lot of big take-aways that I never even thought about before. I’m still working through some things nearly 6 months after my diagnosis! The journey continues.

Wishing you all the best on your own autism journey.
May the kindness and grace you give yourself make you more resilient each day as you travel down the path toward a new realm of understanding and acceptance. 🌈
Congratulations. Feels a bit weird at first after struggling for so many years, doesn't it? It took me a long time to get used to the idea even though I knew I was autistic for a few years beforehand. Somehow having confirmation makes it all a little different.
Well done. The important thing is that you have a profound answer to a profound question that has likely nagged at you most of your life. Who- and what you are neurologically speaking.

And like most everyone else, you can also feel at ease knowing that your own intuition serves you well. That what you suspected was absolutely true.
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