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OK, I am struggling with some history here.

I know that both my mother and my aunt were raped by their uncle when they were children. And I know their mother, my grandmother, told them to just get over it when they were just kids.

Details like this make me unable to hate them for what they have become. But I cannot change them.

My family is rotten to the core. I am negotiating a roommate situation currently on the other side of the country, but I also do not want to leave my decent social life here behind. Some of my 12 step friends here are seriously decent people.
Hmmm... Why not just move to the other side of town? Don't tell your toxic family how to find you.

But if you do move to the other side of the country, you'll find new 12-step friends there.
I owe nothing to my blood family. I have my own life to live. If they want to continue to believe I have severe cognitive disabilities, let them. I know that is not true.

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