Hello, everyone. I’m not exactly sure what I’m doing here but here goes.
I guess I’m wondering if it’s possible I’ve gone undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. My mother didn’t believe in mental health and we only ever went to the doctor when it was absolutely needed. I’m a 23yro female, and I’m very socially awkward.
From a young age, I always felt different. I would retreat to be by myself and read A LOT because I felt like I knew I didn’t belong. Other people seemed to always be so close, have everything to talk about with their “best” friends, and it all came so easily to them. I never had a “best” friend even through high school.
I played sports, but i was rarely invited to social gatherings, sat next to on the bus, or reached out to. Kids would pick on me in elementary school until my mom pulled me out and homeschooled me.
I always felt like I didn’t belong. Social interactions, while I navigate through them, are difficult for me. I don’t always know what to do or say or when to do it. I often misread cues/facial expressions, etc. Aside from my SO and siblings, I have 2 people I would call my friends. People don’t seem to like me (in terms of friendship) very much, and for awhile I beat myself up about it, but I’ve come to accept it. If it weren’t for my SO, I wouldn’t have the 2 friends that I have now.
I’ve had therapists tell me I have social anxiety, but I’m not entirely sure that’s all that’s contributing. I have been diagnosed with adult ADHD, and sometimes I get so fixated on a specific subject I’ll spend hours reading and researching anything that’s available. It’s hard to stop once I get stuck on the subject. I’m not anal about my day to day routine, and it changes from time to time, but some days little things go wrong and it throws me off.
My emotions have always been difficult to control/understand, and while they’ve gotten better as I’ve gotten older, I still struggle in some areas. I’m not super sensitive to sounds, but if there’s a lot going on, I feel overwhelmed and shut down. Sometimes I avoid talking to people because my mind processes things at a higher level and i know that they won’t understand what I’m trying to say.
Idk. Maybe I’m just overthinking my life, but I can’t shake the feeling, 23 years later, that I’m different than those around me. Maybe I have high functioning autism? What do you guys think? I’m open to any questions/comments/etc.
thanks for taking the time to read my post.