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One size fits all ~ society

Yes! When I was a kid, I'm nearly 18 now so it wasn't too long ago. I was an awkward dancer who only moved slightly from side to side, now I dance in all kinds of crazy, unique and awkward ways openly ^^ I even met two older ladies who enjoyed dancing with me at a caravan park that is meant for elderly people lol
Heh, yeah. I would so fail at that too :p Luckily I don't need makeup because I'm already beautiful <3<3
Yow ....I don't think I could ever create my own dance routine in tune. I'm off though, one of off spectrum types with no interest in sex, but bring a girl that's kinda hard one. I have children, still prefer to live alone.
I'm just ultra sensitive, don't like man to put his hands on my leg.
Yow ....I don't think I could ever create my own dance routine in tune. I'm off though, one of off spectrum types with no interest in sex, but bring a girl that's kinda hard one. I have children, still prefer to live alone.
I'm just ultra sensitive, don't like man to put his hands on my leg.
Did take rhamba dance classes...luckily men lead as I still yet to figure out tempo 123 or 1212 so I just end up doing rhamba out of tune N it's embarassing. So I prefer not to try things I'm no good at.
Yes! When I was a kid, I'm nearly 18 now so it wasn't too long ago. I was an awkward dancer who only moved slightly from side to side, now I dance in all kinds of crazy, unique and awkward ways openly ^^ I even met two older ladies who enjoyed dancing with me at a caravan park that is meant for elderly people lol
Heh, yeah. I would so fail at that too :p Luckily I don't need makeup because I'm already beautiful <3<3
There is recreational dance as you did at caravan park. Theres also rhythm as defined as having sense of music.
There's also dancing with sexuality....I think that describes what princess meant, as in attracting opposite species.
Some people understand it....it's not just about intercourse but defining your identity with sexuality. This was my struggle, and as I said I need someone to tell me it's cha cha or tango or salsa because I'm musically deaf.
A lot of people on spectrum say sensitive and sexual but many fail to perceive what the other person is seeing.....

The “technical” aspect of sex is another source of dissatisfaction. Attwood notes, “The sexual script of the person with Autism Spectrum Disorder can be described by their partner as rigid, repetitive and unimaginative with a relative lack of sexual desire.” When sexuality becomes a special interest in terms of acquiring information and treating sex as a special interest, like train schedules or the nuances of computer software, the possibility of intimacy is severely compromised.

A cycle of every increasing emotional dissatisfaction is common with NT partners. Feelings of loneliness, confusion, frustration, and isolation resulting from unanswered attempts to achieve sexual satisfaction with the AS partner cause many to react with rejection towards the AS partner, which in turn creates even more emotional estrangement and corresponding emotional and psychological decline.

Finally, the greatest source of sexual incompatibility and unhappiness is the lack of emotional intimacy between neurotypical and Autism Spectrum Disorder couples. As Aston states,
A lot of people on spectrum say sensitive and sexual but many fail to perceive what the other person is seeing.....

The “technical” aspect of sex is another source of dissatisfaction. Attwood notes, “The sexual script of the person with Autism Spectrum Disorder can be described by their partner as rigid, repetitive and unimaginative with a relative lack of sexual desire.” When sexuality becomes a special interest in terms of acquiring information and treating sex as a special interest, like train schedules or the nuances of computer software, the possibility of intimacy is severely compromised.

A cycle of every increasing emotional dissatisfaction is common with NT partners. Feelings of loneliness, confusion, frustration, and isolation resulting from unanswered attempts to achieve sexual satisfaction with the AS partner cause many to react with rejection towards the AS partner, which in turn creates even more emotional estrangement and corresponding emotional and psychological decline.

Finally, the greatest source of sexual incompatibility and unhappiness is the lack of emotional intimacy between neurotypical and Autism Spectrum Disorder couples. As Aston states,
Woah that's actually weirdly relatable. And deep. Especially since I'm not actually crushing on anyone right now, I still experience desires. That whole "decline" thing actually happened to me when I dated a guy for 1 year (he was a few years older!) he's 20 now and some of my friends actively avoided him because they didn't like the sexual jokes he made. He was a little problematic and I'm so relieved to have that be in the past now :) I also have faith that I may someday meet someone that I'm actually interested in again. I haven't really met anyone new since leaving school due to staying at home.

I feel like the guy may have been more ADHD than autistic, or he was so good at hiding it because he's more of an extrovert that an introvert, the opposite of me who enjoys my own company and home time ,:D
Pls read above article to end .....custody of children

Provided neither parent is narcissyic, abuseive or neglecting ....what is best for child, and it's just examine that autistic children are better off with autistic parent. I also am now delving into my other son, I have twins and he's typical. Although I give him best I can, he has physical needs, good school, extramural, friend play dates ...at times I don't understand him and I feel he may emotionally benefit from normal person. Now someone argued that aspies only town would lack diversity and not work.

It's up for debate
Woah that's actually weirdly relatable. And deep. Especially since I'm not actually crushing on anyone right now, I still experience desires. That whole "decline" thing actually happened to me when I dated a guy for 1 year (he was a few years older!) he's 20 now and some of my friends actively avoided him because they didn't like the sexual jokes he made. He was a little problematic and I'm so relieved to have that be in the past now :) I also have faith that I may someday meet someone that I'm actually interested in again. I haven't really met anyone new since leaving school due to staying at home.

I feel like the guy may have been more ADHD than autistic, or he was so good at hiding it because he's more of an extrovert that an introvert, the opposite of me who enjoys my own company and home time ,:D
Do aspies girls find protective ESS in mother style who is old fashioned? (Not that old fashioned to say get married)
Listen sweetie pie he didn't invite you up to his place for a cup of tea!
There is a difference between love and sex, nowadays a girl must be strong in herself and stand her ground, you must command respect but in a ladylike way.
Men more than ever want sex. I'm sorry but no this is not satisfying a women, she needs emotional and go to dinner etc.
How do aspies girls navigate (not sex) but relationship, talking, shared interests, doing things for one another.
I struggle and I have years behind me, this is actually why I bring it up

One piece of advice after reading my views on Picasso under history of psychiatry. Advice is most young men just want sex, so sit back and wait for s decent guy.
Some men never grow up and only finally marry when hair starts falling out, don't need him either.

Go on many dates and get to know him before ....and some Ayers like thrill of chase so he will wait for 3 months to get it and then break your heart.

I can’t help but wonder if many of the societal issues raised in this thread boil down to the world being simply too large and too busy right now. It really seems like humans were meant to exist in small tribes where there were collective efforts to meet the needs of the group and of the children. I can’t help but wonder how much pathology in the human mind and body is simply from living in a world where there are too many people with societies that are too large, disconnected, and focused on more than just surviving.

A small tribe, forced to focus on food, shelter, clothing, and protection from predators is likely a better state for the human mind than what we have now with modern society.
I feel like we're simultaneously told to contribute to the "greater good" yet we're a hyper-individualistic society...
I feel like we're simultaneously told to contribute to the "greater good" yet we're a hyper-individualistic society...
This was a repeating theme in my life, very much centred around work and need to protect ones interests.
I suppose when there is no food in cupboard and you need to go out on modern hunt then suddenly the game changes to recognition of competition.

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