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Outward emotions

My face becomes devoid of expression at times, or my expression does not match my feelings. This can make people around me confused, like two days ago for example, I was with a date and they got all self conscious because of my expression or lack there of. My dog will also push to get my attention when my face goes blank, as though he is worried about me or something. (I think that he thinks he is a service dog 😆) Most of the time I am content or feel at peace when my face blanks out though, so it is not a fair indicator of what’s happening in my head in that moment.
I think, to begin with, you probably don't express yourself the same way, so you get flak for that, and then that flak conditions you to be even more expressionless. It's a sad reflection on the world that any fault, real or imagined, turns into a vicious cycle, leaving the burden on you to break out of it because nobody else seems to want to help you, but they'll happily exacerbate it. Incidentally, one of Aaron's albums was titled "Break the Cycle"
I’m not sure I experience the same cycle you mention though. Perhaps in professional situations my expression is unhelpful and has caused questions to verify my comprehension before.

I have practiced the tabula rasa or blank slate concept for many years. When I am learning something new or receiving instructions, I first clear my mind (when possible) and open my mind to hear/see/absorb what is being shown or explained. I try to silence any internal thoughts/monologue.
When I do this I think my face goes blank or adopts a confused look, unless I intentionally try to have an expression of interest (which is probably the confusion appearance).
If I feel my face too relaxed while interacting with other people, I try to remember to think of the appropriate emotion I want displayed on my face so that it might appear.
This effort is one I make to reassure whomever I am dealing with at the time.
I’m not sure I experience the same cycle you mention though. Perhaps in professional situations my expression is unhelpful and has caused questions to verify my comprehension before.

I have practiced the tabula rasa or blank slate concept for many years. When I am learning something new or receiving instructions, I first clear my mind (when possible) and open my mind to hear/see/absorb what is being shown or explained. I try to silence any internal thoughts/monologue.
When I do this I think my face goes blank or adopts a confused look, unless I intentionally try to have an expression of interest (which is probably the confusion appearance).
If I feel my face too relaxed while interacting with other people, I try to remember to think of the appropriate emotion I want displayed on my face so that it might appear.
This effort is one I make to reassure whomever I am dealing with at the time.
I actively resist the impulse to emote. You remember Data's intentional, tight-lipped android smile? Yeah, I don't want to do that. I don't think it's healthy to calculate your facial expressions, and you're not going to derive any benefit from that. That's a misuse of that typical hyperfocus tendency, and what matters here are the big ideas, and those are to work on your self-esteem, and your self-confidence, and your self-acceptance, in order to undo your repressions, and then you can be who you are instead of a repressed person. If that person has a lot of blank expressions, the world will just have to accept it. Or not. I have a lot of blank stares. Sorry, not sorry. It's the way I am, you'll never change me.
A couple people have mocked me for the way I stare too intensely. They don't realise I'm like a foreigner trying to translate what a native is saying, plus I'm dealing with my sensory distortions.
A couple people have mocked me for the way I stare too intensely. They don't realise I'm like a foreigner trying to translate what a native is saying, plus I'm dealing with my sensory distortions.
Yep. You don't make eye contact, and then when you do, why are your eyes burrowing into my brain? I'm not going to try to satisfy people. I'm going to be satisfied with myself first, and then hope that self-confidence makes the difference. There's someone out there who will love you for who you are, but if who you are is repressed, they don't see the natural you.
I can understand your perspective, to some extent. But I feel like your attitude is a major influence on why you struggle so much in the world. I healed most of the feelings I had of low confidence/self esteem/acceptance. When I did that I was able to see the world as a MUCH more beautiful place. It took time and effort.

I once read something like “the way you see the world is the way the world sees you” or maybe it was the way you feel about the world is a self admission. Something along those line and concepts.
What I got from that idea is that:
negativity breeds negativity.
a positive outlook allows you to see the beauty and kindness in the world.
It also reaffirmed my belief of the idea to “be the change you want to see in the world”
Sorry, not sorry. It's the way I am, you'll never change me.
This is an example I would like to draw your attention to. You have expressed many negative feelings and talked about negative situations in a few different threads and replies. At times you seem to lament the “hand that life has dealt” you, or at minimum expressed unhappiness with your social connections and social standing with others.
If you never change, your experiences in life are not likely to improve.
In the Tao Te Ching there is a phrase similar to “the tree that does not bend will break.” I reflected on that a lot over the years. Inflexibility can break you.

I believe people have to improvise, adapt, and overcome when faced with challenges in life. If you move to a foreign country that does not speak your language, you need to learn the local language or be an outsider forever. If you want to mesh with NTs you have to learn some social skills. I think we need to adapt ourselves, as best as possible in a healthy way, to the neurotypical world. We cannot expect life to cater to us, or that the world will try to meet us on a level playing field.

It’s like in a healthy romantic relationship, both individuals need to work on themselves and the relationship. You cannot simply be on autopilot through a relationship. It takes effort to build it, make it grow, and maintain health. I see life the same way. You get out what you put in.

The Christian bible says something like “the one who plants few seeds will have a small harvest. The one who plants many seeds will have a big harvest”
What kind of “seeds” are you planting in this life, and how many?
After my own personal struggles in life I eventually realized my attitude was horrible. I had self pity and felt wronged by life. I was consumed with negativity. Trauma and circumstances beyond my control led me to have a negative life. Simply hoping for things to get better was a complete waste of time. Finally, I actively decided to adopt a more positive outlook. I looked for beauty in the minutiae of life. I looked for the silver lining in dark clouds. I learned to see the good even in the bad things.
For example, I get cut off on the road by a driver who then goes slow or slows down. I used to get frustrated or angry with things like that. Now instead of feeling belligerent about the situation I learned to realize that maybe I’m going too fast, or should take the opportunity to look at the trees and flowers on the side of the road for a moment, maybe the other driver is having a medical or emotional problem and unaware of the obstruction they caused. Maybe they are just stoned and oblivious.

In general you have the power to choose how you will react or respond to situations in life. Not all the time, but enough that it can shape your attitude.

I believe that if you could adopt a more positive outlook, find gratitude, be mindful of the good things in your life, that your situation will improve. It’s not a guarantee, but has your current perspective helped you in any way?
I believe that if you could adopt a more positive outlook, find gratitude, be mindful of the good things in your life, that your situation will improve. It’s not a guarantee, but has your current perspective helped you in any way?
All the negative stuff that follows us around is real, but you don't have to give it center stage.
It's hard not to be affected by people who completely deny your existence, deny you the dignity of an acknowledgment of your humanity, it's extremely alienating.

Maybe my thread is negative and I am negative, that is a fair assessment, but one can also exercise their power of choice in how to react to it I.e change the channel and let the miserable-ists enjoy each others company!
I can understand your perspective, to some extent. But I feel like your attitude is a major influence on why you struggle so much in the world. I healed most of the feelings I had of low confidence/self esteem/acceptance. When I did that I was able to see the world as a MUCH more beautiful place. It took time and effort.

I once read something like “the way you see the world is the way the world sees you” or maybe it was the way you feel about the world is a self admission. Something along those line and concepts.
What I got from that idea is that:
negativity breeds negativity.
a positive outlook allows you to see the beauty and kindness in the world.
It also reaffirmed my belief of the idea to “be the change you want to see in the world”

This is an example I would like to draw your attention to. You have expressed many negative feelings and talked about negative situations in a few different threads and replies. At times you seem to lament the “hand that life has dealt” you, or at minimum expressed unhappiness with your social connections and social standing with others.
If you never change, your experiences in life are not likely to improve.
In the Tao Te Ching there is a phrase similar to “the tree that does not bend will break.” I reflected on that a lot over the years. Inflexibility can break you.

I believe people have to improvise, adapt, and overcome when faced with challenges in life. If you move to a foreign country that does not speak your language, you need to learn the local language or be an outsider forever. If you want to mesh with NTs you have to learn some social skills. I think we need to adapt ourselves, as best as possible in a healthy way, to the neurotypical world. We cannot expect life to cater to us, or that the world will try to meet us on a level playing field.

I posted a picture of my broken hand not for pity, but for efficiency and simplicity, because a picture is worth a thousand words. I have some combination of ability and difference which causes people to feel very comfortable utterly wrecking my life to the point of winding up bed-ridden with my hand in a splint, and that was after yelling my head off for years that people were abusing me. There's nothing for me to change, and I'm sick of people telling me it's my attitude. My attitude did not cause some crazy woman to invent a false story about me, and your assumptions and victim-blaming are ill-informed. It's possible that politics instigated that incident, though. However, it's both society and family's horrible indifference and cruelty to me which kicks me to the curb and enables that to keep happening. I'm not sure where you can possibly come from to tell me this is my fault. Would you like me to dig through your post history and tell you that your situation is your fault? When I give people advice, I don't hand them a blank check for "change". That's cruelty, and blame-shifting. If you were honest, you would specify a thing to change, but you're not.

From here, I would go into the question of whether "normalcy" is a "language". It's actually not a language. The differences we perceive are an observation upon the very skin of a problem, and that problem is two people who function differently on the inside. It becomes a "problem" not intrinsically, but because people are intolerant, not because we didn't learn a "language".

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