I wanted to ask how long it's been - but it doesn't matter. Everyone has their own ways and time frame of dealing with things and no one, other than ourselves, understands what's going on in our heads. It's hard to know what to say to people who are dealing with this kind of issue and it's also hard to know what to say to people to get them off your back. I was proud of myself the other night because I'm one who finds it hard to stand up for myself. My sister had called and started talking about my brother, whom I'm trying to cut out of my life. I just politely said, "I don't want to talk about him" and it stopped.
I don't know how long you were in the relationship or just how bad it was, but you have a lot to process. Finding yourself again. Getting over the hurt. Learning to trust. Just learning how to go about your day to day life. And all those things are personal issues. So you can do the 'evasive maneuvers' like
@Tom suggested
, you can nod your head and go on your merry way, like
@Bolletje mentioned or get snippy. You can do like
@Sarah S mentioned and say you're fine. You can make a badge to wear saying you are not accepting unwanted advice.
Whatever way you choose to handle it, we support you. None of us want or appreciate people trying to tell us what they think we need to do. I realize they have your best interest in mind and I'm sure you know that, too, or it wouldn't have been a question about what to do. Easiest thing is to say okay and then do your own thing.
But I do hope you are able to move on in your life, an abusive spouse is not worth taking away your future, too.