Feathered Jester
My husband worked emergencies once and stuffed a guy's guts back in and glued it shut until he could be gotten to the hospital for a more proper gluing. =)
Or maybe he got stitches? Glue is getting as common as staples and thread.
Never had anything nearly sliced off and hope I never will! Worst thing I ever had happen was an inch long piece of wood go straight up into my heel when I was 6 or 7. And then the ER guy refused to use any anesthetic or other numbing stuff while he pulled it out. That was the beginning of my dislike for medical people... And then the next summer I got a roofing tack in the opposite foot, and the summer after that a "stone bruise" in the three toes/pad opposite of the previous foot that put me on crutches for two weeks, and one of those summers around there was the gash in my knee that was 1.5"x0.25" that bled like the Dickens. And yet, my only blocked memory was my first bike wreck. I remember sitting on the tub, watching in slow motion as the rubbing alcohol poured from the bottle, and then my next memory is my mom washing my knee with water and yelling at my dad. Wasn't there a footnote somewhere about how clumsy autistic people are!?
Or maybe he got stitches? Glue is getting as common as staples and thread.
Never had anything nearly sliced off and hope I never will! Worst thing I ever had happen was an inch long piece of wood go straight up into my heel when I was 6 or 7. And then the ER guy refused to use any anesthetic or other numbing stuff while he pulled it out. That was the beginning of my dislike for medical people... And then the next summer I got a roofing tack in the opposite foot, and the summer after that a "stone bruise" in the three toes/pad opposite of the previous foot that put me on crutches for two weeks, and one of those summers around there was the gash in my knee that was 1.5"x0.25" that bled like the Dickens. And yet, my only blocked memory was my first bike wreck. I remember sitting on the tub, watching in slow motion as the rubbing alcohol poured from the bottle, and then my next memory is my mom washing my knee with water and yelling at my dad. Wasn't there a footnote somewhere about how clumsy autistic people are!?