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Pain Threshold

My husband worked emergencies once and stuffed a guy's guts back in and glued it shut until he could be gotten to the hospital for a more proper gluing. =)
Or maybe he got stitches? Glue is getting as common as staples and thread.

Never had anything nearly sliced off and hope I never will! Worst thing I ever had happen was an inch long piece of wood go straight up into my heel when I was 6 or 7. And then the ER guy refused to use any anesthetic or other numbing stuff while he pulled it out. That was the beginning of my dislike for medical people... And then the next summer I got a roofing tack in the opposite foot, and the summer after that a "stone bruise" in the three toes/pad opposite of the previous foot that put me on crutches for two weeks, and one of those summers around there was the gash in my knee that was 1.5"x0.25" that bled like the Dickens. And yet, my only blocked memory was my first bike wreck. I remember sitting on the tub, watching in slow motion as the rubbing alcohol poured from the bottle, and then my next memory is my mom washing my knee with water and yelling at my dad. Wasn't there a footnote somewhere about how clumsy autistic people are!?
I have had kidney stones and bladder cancer in my life. I'm a "oldie man" and didn't go nuts. Does this mean that I've always been nuts?

Yep, it most undoubtedly does mean that. :confused: :p
(Actually it only applies to actual infections - as bad as they are, kidney stones and cancer aren't infections.)
Pretty high pain threshold. I always have joint and muscle pain from Lyme Disease when I was younger, it took the dr's 3 years to figure out what I had and by then the damage was done.
Pretty high pain threshold. I always have joint and muscle pain from Lyme Disease when I was younger, it took the dr's 3 years to figure out what I had and by then the damage was done.
I got that last fall...there is too much stuff torn up on me to notice a difference
We caught mine during the first week,but I hear you can wear it for life
I got that last fall...there is too much stuff torn up on me to notice a difference
We caught mine during the first week,but I hear you can wear it for life
If Lyme is caught fast enough, I think the damage is almost nothing. But you can't go years with some issues :-)
A bandaid is useless on your fingers in an industrial setting because they come off too easily
Common black electrical tape holds up well as a bandage on fingers in a dirty oily environment :cool:
My usual practice is to remove a bandage as soon as the wound closes itself to let it dry and reduce the chance of infection.
Every time I've been stapled,they have never bandaged those repairs for similar reasons.
My rule # 1 is to stop a small finger leak when working...blood sticks your fingers together and slows you down...grease works quite well for stopping small leaks ;)
I make butterflies to close wounds from tape or bandaids for some repairs...it isn't rocket science and I always ask to watch simple procedures to understand them better...
Cyanoacrylates or superglues are used in surgeries at times.
I use cyano adhesives in my modeling hobby,so there is always plenty of it around
Surgical grade Dermabond is a longer string compound more suitable for tissue repair,where household super glue is a shorter string and less flexible,but I'm not after plastic surgery or micro surgery,only patching up simple cuts without an expensive and time consuming trip to the doc ;)

Good grief, Nitro! Your ready knowledge of adhesives and leak-stoppers is astounding. If I ever need anything else stuck back together, expect a private message....
Every first aid kit should have some Krazy Glue. I've even seen it used in surgeries. (That reminds me I need to see about adding some to my next Amazon order.)

I looked it up and there are specific glues to use (3 in particular) - surgiseal, floraseal and dermabond. The surgiseal you can get through Amazon at around $200 :eek:, floraseal and dermabond are also on Amazon at around $20. So it's not recommended to use superglue. Very interesting.
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Gorilla Glue is great too, since it is water activated (and blood is mostly water). I am not sure how internally friendly it would be ingredients wise, but for fixing a skin leak it would likely do nicely.
I looked it up and there are specific glues to use (3 in particular) - surgiseal, floraseal and dermabond. The surgiseal you can get through Amazon at around $200 :eek:, floraseal and dermabond are also on Amazon at around $20. So it's not recommended to use superglue. Very interesting.

Then I'll definitely keep using it. I never got very far by doing what's recommended. :cool:

Gorilla Glue is great too, since it is water activated (and blood is mostly water). I am not sure how internally friendly it would be ingredients wise, but for fixing a skin leak it would likely do nicely.

Isn't Gorilla Glue the dark brown one that forms little bubbles as it dries? I'd rather like showing off a gash sealed up with that. Very dramatic. Like a little lava flow spilling out of a vent.
Then I'll definitely keep using it. I never got very far by doing what's recommended. :cool:

Isn't Gorilla Glue the dark brown one that forms little bubbles as it dries? I'd rather like showing off a gash sealed up with that. Very dramatic. Like a little lava flow spilling out of a vent.

My last bottle of it was clear since I was using it for a project where I did not want brown glue showing. Some dried to my finger prints, by the time I sanded off all the glue I was missing a few ridges.
I find physical pain actually puts me in a better mood as it distracts me from the mental pain that is the bane of my life.

I just couldn't do the self harm thing like cutting - it would just be too painful and I couldn't get anything else done.

High pain threshold.. once broke my wrist in a motorcycle crash and my thumb falling off my sons skateboard, bandaged them up and carried on working. Not meaning to boast, but most pain is irrelevant if it's not impairing function.
As to self harm, the mental/emotional pain that drives me to it are far worse than any physical pain I ever remember, in fact I don't actually feel the cuts at all.

I've heard cranberry or some other fruit is good for UTI and related nuisances.

Cranberry juice is good for water infections Nurseangela; I rarely get ill, or get infections, but that does work!

Superglue was my friend in that case.

Brilliant stuff, superglue and duck tape - my first aid kit is never without either. My understanding is that superglue was originally developed for surgical procedures where stitches wouldn't hold. The glue we buy to fix stuff with isn't medical grade and we're told it's unsuitable for wounds; I find it sings a little and you have to re-glue weeping wounds daily, but it's quite effective and allows me to carry on working without getting blood on everything :)
Every first aid kit should have some Krazy Glue. I've even seen it used in surgeries. (That reminds me I need to see about adding some to my next Amazon order.)

I looked it up and there are specific glues to use (3 in particular) - surgiseal, floraseal and dermabond. The surgiseal you can get through Amazon at around $200 :eek:, floraseal and dermabond are also on Amazon at around $20. So it's not recommended to use superglue. Very interesting.
I found surgiseal on eBay for $175 + $6 shipping and have a sister who works for Amazon that gets a 10 % discount on all items and ships for free,so Amazon wins this time by a dollar with her markdown :p
I ruined an expensive pair of shoes with Gorilla Glue :p
After being subjected to my toe-dragging autie shuffle,the soles became unattached at the toes so I tried that miracle from the local hardware store...my thought was if a little was good,a lot would be better. :rolleyes:
After applying copious amounts of the vile liquid on both shoes and weighing them down to hold them together overnight,I awoke to find them glued to the table and the stuff swelled up so much they no longer had room inside for my feet...throwing those shoes away cost me $8 more after the gorilla got a hold of 'em :D
The stuff is a mess to clean up fer sure ;)
After being subjected to my toe-dragging autie shuffle,the soles became unattached at the toes...
Is this a common Aspie thing?
I always liked the turned up bit of rubber on the front of my running shoes, but always thought it should be stitched, not just glued!
Is this a common Aspie thing?
I always liked the turned up bit of rubber on the front of my running shoes, but always thought it should be stitched, not just glued!
I observe people in general...from my findings while here at AC and other sites,it is apparent that many of us struggle with proper gait...my older shoes show signs of my own faulty walking by the pronounced uneven wear on them.
I watch my feet quite a bit when I walk, just to make sure they're going in the right place and so I don't trip over them.. also my arms, in case I'm swinging them too much, or not enough.
Then I catch sight of my reflection in a shop window and see that I'm all hunched over.. then I walk smack into a lamp post!
I watch my feet quite a bit when I walk, just to make sure they're going in the right place and so I don't trip over them.. also my arms, in case I'm swinging them too much, or not enough.
Then I catch sight of my reflection in a shop window and see that I'm all hunched over.. then I walk smack into a lamp post!
My goodness,that made me laugh...I DID get a visual from that one...

been there,done that,burning the t-shirt later :D
I ruined an expensive pair of shoes with Gorilla Glue :p
After being subjected to my toe-dragging autie shuffle,the soles became unattached at the toes so I tried that miracle from the local hardware store...my thought was if a little was good,a lot would be better. :rolleyes:
After applying copious amounts of the vile liquid on both shoes and weighing them down to hold them together overnight,I awoke to find them glued to the table and the stuff swelled up so much they no longer had room inside for my feet...throwing those shoes away cost me $8 more after the gorilla got a hold of 'em :D
The stuff is a mess to clean up fer sure ;)
Try "Shoe Goo". Or if you can find it, "New Shoe Goo" Fantastic stuff. I always keep a tube of around and there's no end to what you can do with it.
I observe people in general...from my findings while here at AC and other sites,it is apparent that many of us struggle with proper gait...my older shoes show signs of my own faulty walking by the pronounced uneven wear on them.
True. But I consciously have worked on my posture so now it is better than that of most NTs.

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