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Pastor/Real Estate

I would have been highly annoyed if it were me! The one way to turn me off and turn me away is bring religion of any kind into a discussion. I have PTSD from organized religion.
How valuable is your time? You only have a very limited supply and it will not be refilled. If it is being wasted, time to walk away. Better yet, decline the appointment, to begin with.
Yes, l ended up canceling it. But she ignored that and requested that l meet her at the property. So l was dealing with being frustrated. I ended up complaining here. But also asking if other people get irrated then zone out.
So l was told in strong terms to meet someone at a property after l told then -no- l don't like that area- too much traffic. (Major bridge and a big hospital on the same road). This person was the real estate agent then divulged she was also a pastor.

Then this person switched into- l am a pastor and blah blah blah. Like that gives her a right to command me what to do.

Then she went into song and dance about blah blah. But after she was pushy- l turned her off mentally.

Do you just turn off mentally after someone totally is telling you what to do after you expressed in clear terms why you no longer wish to do something.

I do not know about turning off mentally. I do become very unpleasant when someone tries telling me what to do. I do not mean to, it just happens very quickly. I take polite instruction very well but not non sequitur unsolicited orders. It seems to me people do this often, telling me what to do, how to change, how to help myself, even when I haven't asked anything or have a problem I can see. I will not keep talking to those people.
I do not know about turning off mentally. I do become very unpleasant when someone tries telling me what to do. I do not mean to, it just happens very quickly. I take polite instruction very well but not non sequitur unsolicited orders. It seems to me people do this often, telling me what to do, how to change, how to help myself, even when I haven't asked anything or have a problem I can see. I will not keep talking to those people.

When people tell me what to do, l look at the source. My mom- not good. My boss- usually good. My friends- almost always great. A stranger- almost always wrong. Lol. I have tiers of if l will even listen to the source.
I seem to have a inordinate amount of bad unsolicited advice daily from complete strangers who barely passed thru high school, and yet seem to feel that they possess the guru of knowledge title.
When people tell me what to do, l look at the source. My mom- not good. My boss- usually good. My friends- almost always great. A stranger- almost always wrong. Lol. I have tiers of if l will even listen to the source.
I seem to have a inordinate amount of bad unsolicited advice daily from complete strangers who barely passed thru high school, and yet seem to feel that they possess the guru of knowledge title.

I am smiling, I like what you said. I have a friend who if he tells me what to do I will almost always do it without even waiting to decide or understand. I trust him very much. He knows I am autistic and has been very nice about my difficulty with certain things. He never complains, he is very patient. I know he cares about me so if he tells me to do something I trust he is right and he almost always is.

I liked very much you saying that 'stranger advice is almost always wrong'. Yes. I strongly agree with that.
I used to have a neighbor who, when she discovered that I was autistic, took it upon herself to advise me at every turn. I was polite at first, when I told her to please stop with the unsolicited advice, but when it continued, I basically told her to shove it. She grinned and got all apologetic, but she didn't do it as much after that.

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