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Peeing pants into adulthood?


New Member
Hi all!

Did anyone else experience this?? So... I used to pee my pants all the time as a kid and teen. Almost every time I was tickled, which I found almost painful, but had such a huge reaction my uncles and cousins thought it was funny, until I peed on them.

I also peed my pants on the bus as a younger kid. The memory of it running down the aisles is still pretty shudder. I remember peeing my pants as almost a 5th grader, then purposely falling in a mud puddle because I thought that would be more socially acceptable. ( Luckily this is hilarious to me now.)

I also peed my pants while playing drinking games at 16, and riding The Zipper at a carnival at 17 (this was particularly mortifying since there was no cleaning it up.)

Once I got older this got kind of better, but if I drank alot & blacked out I still would pee my bed into my 30s. So idk? I know I should work on my kegals or whatever, but just wonder anyone else experienced this? Like maybe it's related to my general lack of coordination/ body sense? Thanks!
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I continuously wet my bed until age 14, when it completely stopped. It was pretty embarrassing on Boy Scout camp-outs.... I got needled a bit, but what can you do?
Sometimes I would have realistic dreams of walking to the toilet and peeing---and I would wake up to a freshly wet bed.
My mom was cool, she never said anything negative about it "You'll get over it someday, don't worry!"
I imagine if I drank a lot and blacked out, I'd pee my bed too!

The older a man gets the more difficult to hold it. Ironically, it is also more difficult to let it go. I have the bladder capacity of a 9-month pregnant woman.

If you start dreaming of peeing it is time to immediately wake up. That's something that can be learned.
There is more to peeing than meets the eye one muscle for peeing and a separate for holding it. My stroke has me asking doctors specific questions on how it works. Not intuitive. no valve two muscles that have to work together. More complicated than it looks on the surface. You would not believe how much one single nerve controls. Hooks up in your body until it becomes effected. Sort of like cutting a wire in your house. oops. You may need as good conversation with a urologist. Not easy as most are specialist's a bit too busy to give the time of day to their patients. Doctors do not like bright patients. Having had transverse myelitis and now a stroke and then dealing with the after effect puts me in an interesting position. learning stuff even the doctors may not be aware of.
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I stopped wetting my pants when I was 3 or 4. But now I have an overactive bladder. I’m advised to wait at least 2 hours in between each trip to the restroom. But there have been a few moments when I really needed to go and couldn’t get to the restroom in time, and I ended up wetting my pants. Luckily all of those incidents were at home. Now I’m not so strict about timing in between each trip.
The older a man gets the more difficult to hold it. Ironically, it is also more difficult to let it go. I have the bladder capacity of a 9-month pregnant woman.
Well, You have probably seen the ads for minimally invasive prostate surgery that feature firehoses and fireboats pumping massive velocities of water. What is not explained is the common side effects of such surgery, and your partner should be OK with those before proceeding. My median lobe was intruding into my bladder so correction was needed. The firehose simile is accurate and the procedure corrected incontinence.
Stress or fear can do this to kids, maybe adults. It's normal for spectrum, people don't always tackle hard issues.
Just remember what goes in must come out so if you need to go somewhere don't drink fluids for 3 hrs before. Same with bedtime, when I trained my boy it was no more drinks after 4pm until the morning. Gradually we got there and removed plastic under sheet.
Since the stroke I no longer can Pee fortunately I have generically a very parge bladder as I joke with my friends the skin tube does not work so I have to us a plastic tube caterer sort of a relief, as my trans verse myelitis when I was younger gave me in continence issues. which took a time to overcome? my biggest issue know is worrying about not having a catheter Handy Fortunately I can go for 12 or more hours without pissing due to my large bladder. worst part is doctor gave me two pills to help me piss better oxymoronic. When you cannot piss believe me shrinking your prostrate, effects your sex drive, I do not think most doctors have a clue how the mechanical part of the male orgasm works I'm getting some real insights. Must admit retrograde ejaculations is OK, I guess no more kids. scared to get on a plane do not want to leave the Cathers in the wrong luggage. Two-week lag time for new Cather's just in time inventory.
I was a girl who potty trained late(age 4)I hated my dad's reactions. Say kids on spectrum may wet bed up to age 14 and anyone experience, would know.
Again my speech was poor, difficulty pronouncing certain words but due to masking I avoided talking a lot of even learnt to swop word around to different pronouncable dictionary version. It to a certain degree destroyed by inner self worth.

I know first hand about dreaming going to toilet and setting bed, it wasn't stress or like catatonia from social but fear of my dad who would hit me.
Again cause I was a girl people don't understand you have problems, so many times I needed support that wasn't there, such as puberty!! I heard cries from someone else other day, the nurses don't understand schitso and treat her like bad!!

A friend of mine, his dad used to harass him to get a girlfriend...ask if he was sexually frustrated. It's coming out more about sexism and unreasonable demands because people think all women are sex objects.
Tell me more about your stroke, is it relating to other health issues, stress, old age?
My stroke had no known cause, the doctors are very confused. which I like rote learning only take you so far, I use a catheter, but do not get Bladder infections, very good immune system, have AB positive blood type As I'm typing this listening to a bunch of experts on autism discussing use all have PhD's boy do, they not get us. must admit doctors and other experts can be really stupid. I can just see stuff they all miss. Connections they will never see. this forum is a real eye opener. imagine going to university and learning a foreign language. no matter how many degrees you will never be at the level as a native speaker, after all they do not teach culture, which you get by living it.
After my child was born as with many women we sometimes pass fluids, bad!

Worst was how everyone was invited and was forever pitching up at our flat when I just wanted to be alone. I eventually felt so overwhelmed it affected my ability to mother my child, it made me so unhappy and I felt like I could barely unease. I'm not sure why it's so hard to understand a person's need for space and alone time.
One thing I have learned from this site is sex is very ambiguous. Being male, makes it a bit harder to relate to your experience. my wife has issues with bone strength, as we have a home gym she is doing, weights on our universal gym I'm impressed, with the muscle she is putting on.


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