I already did basically. Look at the links I gave.
Ok, I had read the first two and not found the answers I was looking for. I just read the last one, and it was more helpful for me.
It listed an alternative to ABA as something called Peaceful Parenting: What Peaceful Parenting Is and Is Not
I'm not sure I agreed with all aspects of Peaceful Parenting. I think my parents did a good job of raising me, and a lot of what they did was in the "Authoritative" realm like Peaceful Parenting. But there were still punishments/rewards for things in my childhood.
I guess the only question I still have from that is whether or not this parenting approach actually results in autistic children being better prepared and capable of handling the NT world they are going to have to live in once they become adults..?
It would've been nice (and a lot less struggle on my part) if my parents had been better able to prepare me for the NT world. But then, I didn't realize I was AS until I was ~40.. so.. yeah.. But I gather we are now at least noticing autism in children more now than when I was a kid.
Reading that article and thinking of my childhood also lead me to another thought. Perhaps it's the parents of autistic children that should be going to counselling to learn a LOT more about autism.