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Phenylethylamine; a godsend for autistics

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This type of ideation is common in early stage chemical dependency and in substance abuse generally. A justification for the habit is often based on a number of seemingly rational arguments

Have you spoken with your healthcare provider about your experiences? Are you recording dosages and intervals? Are you keeping a daily log of activities and self assessment? Do you have a nurse? Are you under a doctor's care at all?
I happen to think that peoples quality of life could be improved by it, so I would like people to have a better understanding of them.

This statement indicates that you are promoting other people to use drugs recreationally or to experiment on themselves as you have done. That is not appropriate to this venue nor is it in fact even legal

Like many recreational drug users you seem to wish to convince other people to follow your lead. Where you are leading is not safe. You are not trying to help anyone at all, you are trying to start a conversation that promotes drug use and experimentation
If your tone was one of merely reporting on your own condition as a result of experimentation it would be only marginally acceptable here
What you have learned about yourself is valuable information for you to have learned

About you

ADHD patients, who are under a doctor's care are often prescribed a stimulant type of drug. Diagnosing yourself by experimenting with drugs and supplements is like shooting a bow straight up and trying not to get hit

Psychiatry has an even worse track record. I have had bad reactions from prescribed medications, including ritalin, on multiple occasions, but have not had any significant issues from any of my supplements. Worst case scenario they do nothing.

There is no contest
If your methods are so useful to you then why are you not under a doctor's advisement on your use of supplements?
The worst case scenario is far more dire than what you describe. Are you still unclear as to why it is inappropriate for you to promote recreational drug use here on this forum?
The worst case scenario is far more dire than what you describe. Are you still unclear as to why it is inappropriate for you to promote recreational drug use here on this forum?

You are a perfect specimin of everything that is wrong with contemporary culture. Recreational drug use would be tripping balls on salvia or nodding off on heroin- this is supplementation and treatment.

You dont seem to understand Im against contemporary medicine- I think if you have a problem you should go to a herbologist or shaman. You know, the guys who have been doing this for thousands of years.
Psychiatry has an even worse track record. I have had bad reactions from prescribed medications, including ritalin, on multiple occasions, but have not had any significant issues from any of my supplements. Worst case scenario they do nothing.

There is no contest
It may well be that you had adverse reactions to medications from the use of other things you were taking that your doctor did not know about?
Is the information on your profile correct and accurate? Are you a drug dealer yourself perhaps coming here to try and lure the unwary? Why do you seek to promote a dangerous activity based on the results of a single experiment that has no control, no valid data set, and no valid parameters?
Why is your very first post to a peer to peer support forum concerned with promoting dangerous and illegal activities to an at risk group of adults and minors?
It may well be that you had adverse reactions to medications from the use of other things you were taking that your doctor did not know about?

You see? Your thinking the same way that those creationists who everyone laughs out of sight and sound do. Whatever the evidence, it must have been the result of my supplementation, not doctors prescribing me medications without telling me all the side effects (something that actually happened.)

I actually dont care what anyone does as long as your gibberish isnt allowed to pass for a coherent argument.

Shoot smack or go Mormon for all I care, just dont listen to this guy.
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